Re: problems importing tables Beiträge: 0
Slow results Beiträge: 7
What"s wrong with this? Beiträge: 7
Ignore track? Beiträge: 3
not advertising Need a php code moderator Beiträge: 0
import / export between servers Beiträge: 3
Count across 3 tables Beiträge: 2
How to select fields form two tables, where one is containing some text+field form other table+some Beiträge: 1
Whats the most portable way to identify field existence? Beiträge: 1
Compare every word in paragraph with every row in database Beiträge: 2
Don"t get all records from SQL-table Beiträge: 4
SQL question and query result Beiträge: 1
help with db_host Beiträge: 1
SELECT chunks Beiträge: 0
php5 mysql5.0 win problems Beiträge: 2
session_start problem in php5 Beiträge: 1
Unique constraint for the columns does not work when one of values is null. Beiträge: 1
How to enforce an ENUM ? Beiträge: 2
PDO: test for transaction Beiträge: 0
Problem Getting MS SQL Data With Single Quotes Beiträge: 1
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