

am 04.10.2005 16:23:12 von extern.Lars.Oeschey


I'm trying to send mail with Mail::Sender, and have a somewhat strange
behaviour. This is the code:

sub mailgood {
#print "mailing good...\n";
$mail=new Mail::Sender {
from => $watchini->val("mailparam","from"),
to => $watchini->val("mailparam","to"),
smtp => $watchini->val("mailparam","smtp"),
subject => $watchini->val("mailparam","goodsubject"),
priority => "5",
debug => $DEBUG,
debug_level => 4,
$mailmessage="Keine Probleme mit $myname\n" . $logmessage;
$mail->MailMsg ({msg => $mailmessage}) or print LOG "Error mailing
print "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
print ref $mail;

before I had the "print $Mail::Sender::Error" statement in there, I didn't
even see that it doesn't work. The debug log is just empty (of course $DEBUG
is set, and I get a file, but it stays empty). Also the print ref $mail just
prints out "Mail::Sender", while documentation says there should be numeric

I could finally find out that I can't connect to the server from my machine,
but only after I've put that Mail::Sender::Error statement there, so
obviously I'm doing something wrong with Errorhandling, else it would have
been in debug.log...

regards, Lars
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