SSleay error: OPENSSL_Uplink<022A9010,06>: no OPENSSL_Applink

SSleay error: OPENSSL_Uplink<022A9010,06>: no OPENSSL_Applink

am 06.07.2007 00:31:15 von zak.witter

I'm trying to access a website that requires SSL and a client
certificate. I'm using Crypt::SSLeay and keep getting the error:
OPENSSL_Uplink<022A9010,06>: no OPENSSL_Applink. I installed the
modules using PPM and it had me install all the required DLLs to
c:\perl. I was,however, able to access a different https site that did
not use client certification. This makes me think that I am doing
something wrong. I did a google search but it only came back with
things for C/C++ programmers, and said something about the naming of
the DLL files. Here is the relevant part of my code:

# Client PKCS12 cert support
$ENV{HTTPS_PKCS12_FILE} = 'certs/ceritificate.p12';
$ENV{HTTPS_PKCS12_PASSWORD} = 'passphrase';

$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("$0/0.1 " . $ua->agent);
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => '');
$req->header('Accept' => 'text/html');

# send request
$res = $ua->request($req);
# check the outcome
if ($res->is_success){
print $res->decoded_content;
print "Error: " . $res->status_line . "\n";

I replaced the certificate file name/passphrase and the website name
for privacy.
- Zak