Net::SSH2 and libssh2

Net::SSH2 and libssh2

am 28.12.2007 01:58:31 von WelkinConsulting

I am using activestate perl 5.10 on a windows XP box. Before trying to
install Net::SSH2, I tried to install libssh2. I do not have Visual
Studio, couldn't find any binaries, and ultimately couldn't figure out
how to install libssh2.

Any chance of someone creating a Net::SSH2 ppm being created for
5.10? If not, any pointers on creating libssh2 on Windows XP without
using Visual Studio?



Re: Net::SSH2 and libssh2

am 28.12.2007 08:26:44 von sisyphus359

On Dec 28, 11:58=A0am, Andrew McFarlane
> I am using activestate perl 5.10 on a windows XP box. Before trying to
> install Net::SSH2, I tried to install libssh2. =A0I do not have Visual
> Studio, couldn't find any binaries, and ultimately couldn't figure out
> how to install libssh2.
> Any chance of someone creating a Net::SSH2 ppm being created for
> 5.10? =A0If not, any pointers on creating libssh2 on Windows XP without
> using Visual Studio?

I've got libssh2-0.17 on Win32, and I've built Net::SSH2 for
ActivePerl 5.8 in the past.
I don't envisage any trouble building Net::SSH2 for ActivePerl 5.10 -
but I'm a bit pressed for time.

For perl 5.8 (if it's any consolation) you can:
ppm install

And for perl 5.6:
ppm install

I'll build it tomorrow night for 5.10 and forward the ppm off to Randy
Kobes for inclusion in his uwinnipeg rep for 5.10:

He's usually fairly quick at uploading any ppm's I send him (normally
within a day) but if you send me an email address that I can send it
to, I'll also email you a copy when it's done. (You can send to my
sisyphus359 at gmail dot com address.)

I build libssh2 in the (freely available) msys shell, using the
(freely available) mingw compiler.
There's a couple of minor amendments to the libssh2 source that need
to be made - and you also need openssl and zlib.
It's not all that difficult to build - but it's not as straightforward
as it ought to be, either.
