delete header on print

delete header on print

am 27.01.2008 21:00:09 von Atlas informatique

I have a php script that create html page. that I have to print.
I want to know how to delete header and footer on print.
Can you help me

Re: delete header on print

am 28.01.2008 13:21:25 von Captain Paralytic

On 27 Jan, 20:00, "Atlas informatique"
> Hi,
> I have a php script that create html page. that I have to print.
> I want to know how to delete header and footer on print.
> Can you help me
> Thank.

Headers and Footers on printing are related to the browser and the
operating system.

Nothing to do with php or SQL I'm afraid.

Re: delete header on print

am 30.01.2008 14:37:39 von geoff

Atlas informatique wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a php script that create html page. that I have to print.
> I want to know how to delete header and footer on print.
> Can you help me
> Thank.

use CSS to do this
like this: (sorry might wrap)