- Doubt... ( Question )

- Doubt... ( Question )

am 31.03.2008 15:01:04 von jfguimaraes

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set english on...

I am Brazilian and program in VB6 using in my application "MySql 5.0.37" =
and the driver MYOdbc 3.51.23 or 5.1.
When I use ADO to return the result of an instruction as this:

Select 0 as Code, concat( rpad( name_column, 40 , ' ' ) , '|' , lpad( 2, =
4, '0' ) ) as Test from my_table

.... I receive as result for the column Test several characters =
"+++++---------" and so on. As I do to correct such problem because my =
database is configured as the next definitions: charset latin1, =
collation latin1_general_ci=20

____________________________________________________________ ______
Analista de Sistemas - Dpto de TI=20
Centro Universit=E1rio Bar=E3o de Mau=E1 / Rib.Preto / SP
+ jfguimaraes@baraodemaua.br=20
1 http://www.baraodemaua.br=20
( (16) 3968 - 3900 / Ramal 3927