Login Seems OK but doesn"t behave correctly

Login Seems OK but doesn"t behave correctly

am 17.04.2008 00:42:04 von DanWeaver


Any pointers much appreciated- I just don't know how to progress from

Using MS SQL server on a shared host (www.joglab.com shows the
problem) I am having a problem with logins- login appears to work and
is registering in the members database (also on a shared server) as a
login but not behaving on the pages ie LoginView/ Login Status not
functioning (behaves as if no user is logged in).
I hope this is an appropriate forum for this question- I have tried on
asp.net too but to no avail so far- this problem may be due to the way
I am treating my MSSQL db.

The code for the pages is below but Im not sure which code is germane.
I have written absolutely no vb/c code- just trying to sort out the
basic login behavior first.
The only thing Ive changed in web.config (from standard visual web
developer startup) in web.config is the connection string...

providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

....the rest of the web.config file is standard as created by Visual
Web Developer 2008.
Is it to do with Integrated Security=false (*see below)?

When I hit 'test' AspNetSqlProvider in the providers section of the
Web Site Administration Tool I get "Could not establish a connection
to the database."
http://localhost:50812/asp.netwebadminfiles/providers/Manage ConsolidatedProviders.aspx
* If I set Integrated Security=false on logging in I get:
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted
SQL Server connection


Logged in indeed

Not logged in ok

logged in as:



CreateUserUrl="~/newuser.aspx" DestinationPageUrl="~/
