Expression web slideshows/galleries

Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 18.04.2008 23:46:01 von JAM


I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I will
try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression web for
the first time and notice that the program does not have a slideshow/gallery
maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have my own
personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design. I
checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a show
into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent. In an
example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one page. I
would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to get to
another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any ideas for
an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance for your

Re: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 19.04.2008 00:02:35 von Ronx

I write my own galleries using classic ASP. Other options are jAlbum,
Expression Blend, Photoshop or FrontPage 2003 (if you are happy with the
limitations and problems in the FrontPage galleries). And there are
many more - many photo editing programs include a gallery option.

You could produce your own gallery using a table to layout the page -
thumbnails of properties link to pages with associated details and
larger pictures.

Ron Symonds
MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group, emails will be deleted unread.

"JAM" wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I
> will
> try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression
> web for
> the first time and notice that the program does not have a
> slideshow/gallery
> maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have
> my own
> personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design.
> I
> checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a
> show
> into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent.
> In an
> example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one
> page. I
> would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to
> get to
> another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any
> ideas for
> an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance
> for your
> help.

RE: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 19.04.2008 11:45:01 von Ruth


Help is here! Check out the RealEstate Templates by Allwebco (link below):

They are just brilliant with galleries and slideshows and the new Real
Estate Templates are the most beautiful styles, professional and functional
(using state-of-the-art technology) I've seen on the Web. Most importantly
their gallery and slideshow code is SOooo easy (they do all the Flash, Java
and programming for you - it's all in the code), you can insert this code
easily into any web software you choose (works seemlessly in Frontpage, or
whatever). I can provide you with complete help for FREE!...Aren't you glad
you gave the forum one more try?

If you're interested, contact me directly at


Ruth Allen
"Making Plan A the One that Works!"


"JAM" wrote:

> Hello,
> I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I will
> try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression web for
> the first time and notice that the program does not have a slideshow/gallery
> maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have my own
> personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design. I
> checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a show
> into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent. In an
> example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one page. I
> would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to get to
> another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any ideas for
> an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance for your
> help.

Re: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 20.04.2008 19:06:29 von Hans Le Roy


"JAM" wrote in message
> Hello,
> I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I will
> try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression web
> for
> the first time and notice that the program does not have a
> slideshow/gallery
> maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have my
> own
> personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design. I
> checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a show
> into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent. In
> an
> example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one page.
> I
> would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to get
> to
> another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any ideas
> for
> an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance for
> your
> help.

Like others have said, there are several possibilities. Myu absolute
favorite is JAlbum (, already mentioned by Ronx)

Kind regards


Re: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 21.04.2008 01:42:17 von Trevor L.

"Hans Le Roy" wrote in message
> Like others have said, there are several possibilities. Myu absolute
> favorite is JAlbum (, already mentioned by Ronx)

I agree.

I put together a slide show on my family site in the space provided by my
ISP, but it seems to have stopped working lately (whether due to IE7 or not,
I don't know)

But I have used JAlbum on another site ( ) and
it works perfectly. The only slight problem I have is that the back button
directs to index.html on the next level up. This is not where I want, so I
just change this HTML to return to where I do want. This change is very
simple and I can give more info if needed.
Trevor Lawrence
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
MVP Web Site

RE: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 22.04.2008 04:15:01 von AnnaUllrichMicrosoft

Hi Jam,

If you own Expression Web, you can get the Expression Media upgrade for only
$99. That program has many photo gallery templates and you can customize them
and provide your own templates to generate photo galleries from. And that's
just a small part of what the program can do for you. You can learn more here: ey=media

And bear in mind that if you buy any Expression program from 2/24 - 6/1, you
get version 2 for free when it is released next month.

You can get the Expression Web upgrade for only $99 if you own FrontPage or
Office or several other programs. Check out the website for more details.


"JAM" wrote:

> Hello,
> I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I will
> try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression web for
> the first time and notice that the program does not have a slideshow/gallery
> maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have my own
> personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design. I
> checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a show
> into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent. In an
> example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one page. I
> would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to get to
> another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any ideas for
> an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance for your
> help.

Re: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 22.04.2008 07:20:58 von webmaster

Hey Anna,

xMedia galleries work well with's one I was just messing with - nothing serious here, just
seeing what it could do. You can customize the galleries to match your web
if you edit the index pages.

Oh, can put movies in there too...I had one of Chris & Ballmer
but it was a HUGE .avi file so I removed it, but it does play.

Pretty cool.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

"Anna Ullrich {Microsoft}"
wrote in message
> Hi Jam,
> If you own Expression Web, you can get the Expression Media upgrade for
> only
> $99. That program has many photo gallery templates and you can customize
> them
> and provide your own templates to generate photo galleries from. And
> that's
> just a small part of what the program can do for you. You can learn more
> here:
> ey=media
> And bear in mind that if you buy any Expression program from 2/24 - 6/1,
> you
> get version 2 for free when it is released next month.
> You can get the Expression Web upgrade for only $99 if you own FrontPage
> or
> Office or several other programs. Check out the website for more details.
> Anna
> "JAM" wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I
>> will
>> try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression web
>> for
>> the first time and notice that the program does not have a
>> slideshow/gallery
>> maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have my
>> own
>> personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design. I
>> checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a show
>> into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent. In
>> an
>> example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one
>> page. I
>> would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to get
>> to
>> another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any ideas
>> for
>> an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance for
>> your
>> help.

Re: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 22.04.2008 07:30:01 von AnnaUllrichMicrosoft

Hey Rob! Glad you made it back home safe. :)

You have some nice photos there - good eye!


"Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:

> Hey Anna,
> xMedia galleries work well with's one I was just messing with
> - nothing serious here, just
> seeing what it could do. You can customize the galleries to match your web
> if you edit the index pages.
> Oh, can put movies in there too...I had one of Chris & Ballmer
> but it was a HUGE .avi file so I removed it, but it does play.
> Pretty cool.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Rob Giordano
> Microsoft MVP Expression
> "Anna Ullrich {Microsoft}"
> wrote in message
> > Hi Jam,
> >
> > If you own Expression Web, you can get the Expression Media upgrade for
> > only
> > $99. That program has many photo gallery templates and you can customize
> > them
> > and provide your own templates to generate photo galleries from. And
> > that's
> > just a small part of what the program can do for you. You can learn more
> > here:
> >
> > ey=media
> >
> > And bear in mind that if you buy any Expression program from 2/24 - 6/1,
> > you
> > get version 2 for free when it is released next month.
> >
> > You can get the Expression Web upgrade for only $99 if you own FrontPage
> > or
> > Office or several other programs. Check out the website for more details.
> >
> > Anna
> >
> > "JAM" wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I
> >> will
> >> try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression web
> >> for
> >> the first time and notice that the program does not have a
> >> slideshow/gallery
> >> maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have my
> >> own
> >> personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design. I
> >> checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a show
> >> into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent. In
> >> an
> >> example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one
> >> page. I
> >> would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to get
> >> to
> >> another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any ideas
> >> for
> >> an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance for
> >> your
> >> help.

Re: Expression web slideshows/galleries

am 22.04.2008 17:04:14 von webmaster

thanks! It was great meeting everyone...really glad I went.

cheap camera though, I shoulda brought my real one instead.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

"Anna Ullrich {Microsoft}"
wrote in message
> Hey Rob! Glad you made it back home safe. :)
> You have some nice photos there - good eye!
> Anna
> "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
>> Hey Anna,
>> xMedia galleries work well with's one I was just messing with
>> - nothing serious here, just
>> seeing what it could do. You can customize the galleries to match your
>> web
>> if you edit the index pages.
>> Oh, can put movies in there too...I had one of Chris & Ballmer
>> but it was a HUGE .avi file so I removed it, but it does play.
>> Pretty cool.
>> --
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Rob Giordano
>> Microsoft MVP Expression
>> "Anna Ullrich {Microsoft}"
>> wrote in message
>> > Hi Jam,
>> >
>> > If you own Expression Web, you can get the Expression Media upgrade for
>> > only
>> > $99. That program has many photo gallery templates and you can
>> > customize
>> > them
>> > and provide your own templates to generate photo galleries from. And
>> > that's
>> > just a small part of what the program can do for you. You can learn
>> > more
>> > here:
>> >
>> > ey=media
>> >
>> > And bear in mind that if you buy any Expression program from 2/24 -
>> > 6/1,
>> > you
>> > get version 2 for free when it is released next month.
>> >
>> > You can get the Expression Web upgrade for only $99 if you own
>> > FrontPage
>> > or
>> > Office or several other programs. Check out the website for more
>> > details.
>> >
>> > Anna
>> >
>> > "JAM" wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> I have already been in this forum with my question, but figure that I
>> >> will
>> >> try again to see if I get any better answers. I am trying expression
>> >> web
>> >> for
>> >> the first time and notice that the program does not have a
>> >> slideshow/gallery
>> >> maker. I was pretty complacent with the slideshow in Frontpage. I have
>> >> my
>> >> own
>> >> personal real estate website and am still fairly novice at web design.
>> >> I
>> >> checked out Jalbum, but it seems to be to convoluded to simply get a
>> >> show
>> >> into an existing page plus I do not need anything overly extravagent.
>> >> In
>> >> an
>> >> example, I have multiple homes with basic information on each on one
>> >> page. I
>> >> would like for viewers to be able to click one particular property to
>> >> get
>> >> to
>> >> another page with more pictures/information. Does anybody have any
>> >> ideas
>> >> for
>> >> an easy, basic, professional looking soloution. Thank you in advance
>> >> for
>> >> your
>> >> help.