FAQ & Solution: How to generate a number automatically for the

FAQ & Solution: How to generate a number automatically for the

am 22.04.2008 14:51:23 von DanielLauJJ

When inserting a record into a table, I want SQL Server to generate a
number automatically for the Primary Key. (e.g. OrderID is 1, 2, 3
and so on) How to do it?
(This behavior is similar to the "Auto-number" in Microsoft Access)

http://raymondlamsk.blogspot.com/2008/03/faq-ms-sql-server-h ow-to-generate_24.html

Re: FAQ & Solution: How to generate a number automatically for the

am 23.04.2008 09:29:15 von ivce970

On Apr 22, 5:51 am, "DanielLa...@gmail.com"
> When inserting a record into a table, I want SQL Server to generate a
> number automatically for the Primary Key. (e.g. OrderID is 1, 2, 3
> and so on) How to do it?
> (This behavior is similar to the "Auto-number" in Microsoft Access)
> http://raymondlamsk.blogspot.com/2008/03/faq-ms-sql-server-h ow-to-gen...

Hi Daniel.

I'll try to answer your question and hope it will work out.

All you have to do is to look under properties of your Primary Key
column. Below, just before the end of properties is property Identity.
You should change that property to be Yes instead of No, and click OK
to conform this change.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Delic, Serbia