Problem with Gd module and animated Gifs

Problem with Gd module and animated Gifs

am 03.07.2010 05:48:13 von Mike Martin


I am looking at creating animated gifs using this in the man page as
a starting point

my $gifdata = $image->gifanimbegin;
$gifdata .= $image->gifanimadd; # first frame
for (1..100) {
# make a frame of right size
my $frame = GD::Image->new($image->getBounds);
add_frame_data($frame); # add the data
for this frame
$gifdata .= $frame->gifanimadd; # add frame
$gifdata .= $image->gifanimend; # finish the animated GIF
print $gifdata; # write animated gif to STDOUT

However there is no function add_frame_data($frame);

cant find anything on google so any ideas appreciated

platform Fedora 13
GD gd-2.0.35

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