[ psqlodbc-Bugs-1010864 ] CODBCFieldInfo field type (m_nSQLType) is incorrect

[ psqlodbc-Bugs-1010864 ] CODBCFieldInfo field type (m_nSQLType) is incorrect

am 05.08.2010 23:39:14 von noreply

Bugs item #1010864, was opened at 2010-08-05 14:39
You can respond by visiting:
http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=538&aid=10108 64&group_id=1000125

Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Mark Richardson (markmapo)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: CODBCFieldInfo field type (m_nSQLType) is incorrect

Initial Comment:
Using the CRecordset.GetODBCFieldInfo() function to retrieve a CODBCFieldInfo about the field give incorrect values for the types. I only checked a couple types agains an access database...

db_table_type postgres_value access_value
int 4 5
double 6 8

What are the values supposed to be? Far as I can tell they are the values which come from "atldbcli.h" & "oledb.h" - but these don't match with the access values either (poor documentation on what these values are supposed to be from MS about ODBC - suprise?no)

Also, the CRecordSet.GetTableName() is unset (so is the access database value). I don't like the way that a table name is assigned to an entire CRecordset, as each field MAY be from a different table. I prefer the way postgres has a table name for each field - but we're stuck using the ODBC interface.

Thanks guys for all the great work!

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You can respond by visiting:
http://pgfoundry.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=538&aid=10108 64&group_id=1000125

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