Error in accept: Too many open files

Error in accept: Too many open files

am 26.04.2011 09:44:16 von Brent Clark


I recently imported data on a new server (5.1). But before the importing
I added the feature 'innodb_file_per_table'.

I now want to enable Master - Master replication, but the problem is, im
seeing the following

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Apr 24 23:32:50 maj-web01 mysqld: 110424 23:32:50 [ERROR] Error in
accept: Too many open files
Apr 24 23:35:03 maj-web01 mysqld: 110424 23:35:03 [ERROR]
/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't open file: './maj_fs2/sites.frm' (errno: 24)
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------

Ive been going through High Performance MySQL, and a key area the book
address is the config option 'innodb_open_files'.

If I do a file count for *.ibd files, I only have 147 files, and I see
the limit is 300

mysql> show global variables like 'innodb_open_files'\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Variable_name: innodb_open_files
Value: 300
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Could the other option to look at be 'open_files_limit'?

The database is a mixture of innodb and Myiasm.

I really need to get replication working, if someone could help my
understand this issue, it would be appreciated.

Brent Clark

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Re: Error in accept: Too many open files

am 26.04.2011 10:25:28 von Johan De Meersman

300 is pretty low - MySQL counts every instance of a table in any query as an "open file". A query that uses the same table twice (with an alias, for example) thus counts for two open files.

This may also be outside of MySQL, the ulimit for the user running the daemon may have open files restrictions, too.

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brent Clark"
> To: "mysql mailing list"
> Sent: Tuesday, 26 April, 2011 9:44:16 AM
> Subject: Error in accept: Too many open files
> Hiya
> I recently imported data on a new server (5.1). But before the
> importing
> I added the feature 'innodb_file_per_table'.
> I now want to enable Master - Master replication, but the problem is,
> im
> seeing the following

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

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RE: Error in accept: Too many open files

am 26.04.2011 15:51:23 von Jerry Schwartz

You are seeing *NIX error messages. You need to increase the operating system
settings that control the number of files that a process can open.

I'm very rusty, and never really used Linux, so I can't tell you the exact
parameters. There are probably two: total number of open files, and files per


Jerry Schwartz
Global Information Incorporated
195 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06032

860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
Web site:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brent Clark []
>Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 3:44 AM
>To: mysql mailing list
>Subject: Error in accept: Too many open files
>I recently imported data on a new server (5.1). But before the importing
>I added the feature 'innodb_file_per_table'.
>I now want to enable Master - Master replication, but the problem is, im
>seeing the following
>----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
>----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
>Apr 24 23:32:50 maj-web01 mysqld: 110424 23:32:50 [ERROR] Error in
>accept: Too many open files
>Apr 24 23:35:03 maj-web01 mysqld: 110424 23:35:03 [ERROR]
>/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't open file: './maj_fs2/sites.frm' (errno: 24)
>----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
>----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
>Ive been going through High Performance MySQL, and a key area the book
>address is the config option 'innodb_open_files'.
>If I do a file count for *.ibd files, I only have 147 files, and I see
>the limit is 300
>mysql> show global variables like 'innodb_open_files'\G;
>*************************** 1. row ***************************
>Variable_name: innodb_open_files
> Value: 300
>1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>Could the other option to look at be 'open_files_limit'?
>The database is a mixture of innodb and Myiasm.
>I really need to get replication working, if someone could help my
>understand this issue, it would be appreciated.
>Brent Clark
>MySQL General Mailing List
>For list archives:
>To unsubscribe:

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RE: Error in accept: Too many open files

am 27.04.2011 14:02:57 von misiaQ


It's quite simple and quick change in *nix. But would recommend to check yo=
ur server performance first (processlist, tmp tables, slow query log etc).


"Jerry Schwartz" pisze:
> You are seeing *NIX error messages. You need to increase the operating sy=
> settings that control the number of files that a process can open.
> I'm very rusty, and never really used Linux, so I can't tell you the exac=
> parameters. There are probably two: total number of open files, and files=
> process.
> Regards,
> Jerry Schwartz
> Global Information Incorporated
> 195 Farmington Ave.
> Farmington, CT 06032
> 860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341
> E-mail:
> Web site:
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Brent Clark []
> >Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 3:44 AM
> >To: mysql mailing list
> >Subject: Error in accept: Too many open files
> >
> >Hiya
> >
> >I recently imported data on a new server (5.1). But before the importing
> >I added the feature 'innodb_file_per_table'.
> >
> >I now want to enable Master - Master replication, but the problem is, im
> >seeing the following
> >
> >----------------------------------------------------------- -------------=
> >----------------------------------------------------------- -------------=
> >--------
> >Apr 24 23:32:50 maj-web01 mysqld: 110424 23:32:50 [ERROR] Error in
> >accept: Too many open files
> >Apr 24 23:35:03 maj-web01 mysqld: 110424 23:35:03 [ERROR]
> >/usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't open file: './maj_fs2/sites.frm' (errno: 24)
> >----------------------------------------------------------- -------------=
> >----------------------------------------------------------- -------------=
> >--------
> >
> >Ive been going through High Performance MySQL, and a key area the book
> >address is the config option 'innodb_open_files'.
> >
> >If I do a file count for *.ibd files, I only have 147 files, and I see
> >the limit is 300
> >
> >mysql> show global variables like 'innodb_open_files'\G;
> >*************************** 1. row ***************************
> >Variable_name: innodb_open_files
> > Value: 300
> >1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> >
> >Could the other option to look at be 'open_files_limit'?
> >
> >The database is a mixture of innodb and Myiasm.
> >
> >I really need to get replication working, if someone could help my
> >understand this issue, it would be appreciated.
> >
> >Regards
> >Brent Clark
> >
> >
> >--
> >MySQL General Mailing List
> >For list archives:
> >To unsubscribe:
> --=20
> MySQL General Mailing List
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