Kill signals against single process daemon withDevel::NYTProf::Apache

Kill signals against single process daemon withDevel::NYTProf::Apache

am 18.05.2011 14:07:18 von rafiq

I am trying to profile mod-perl processes in a single process httpd with
Devel::NYTProf::Apache. I use the following pattern:

* start backgrounded httpd process with start=no (explicitly enabled later
in the code)
* request url against appropriate port
* send TERM signal to apache pid
* nytproftohtml the profiled output

I've witnessed situations where non-200 responses, specifically timeouts,
are causing the profile output not to be properly processed, yielding an
unparsable state and the following error:

"Profile data incomplete, inflate error -5 ((null)) at end of input file,
perhaps the process didn't exit cleanly or the file has been truncated
(refer to T)"

It is my inference that this correlates with timeouts at present. I have
also potentially observed that when setting MaxRequests to a reachable
figure this might be cleanly closing the profile output.

Any suggestions would be welcome. I'd ideally like to insure that the
profiling output may be fully generated without any further intervention
to the profiled codebase.


