Re: Seconds Behind the master 0 but in reality it"s over 10 minutesor hours..

Re: Seconds Behind the master 0 but in reality it"s over 10 minutesor hours..

am 05.09.2011 07:46:31 von Adam PAPAI

Alexis Guajardo wrote:
> Are the date time set the same on both servers? What upgrade process did you use?
> Alexis Guajardo
> On Sep 4, 2011, at 12:09 PM, Andrej Pintar wrote:
>> any warnings in the logs. timeouts. connects. had same thing... just can't remember what was it.
>> -> never upgrade if the system works with no errors.
>> did you test and simulate in the development environment?


It seems we have sort of ethernet segment saturation problem.

We have new network environment and the slave does not recognise that he
has no connection to the master.

I set the slave_net_timeout to 5 sec. It's working as an ASAP workaround
but we're investigating the problems behind the network.

Thanks for all.

And you're right: Never upgrade it the system works... :( But we have to
move our whole server infrastructure to another place (had to left the
old ones there).

Thanks again.

Grapes Communication Kft.
Phone: +36 30 33-55-735 (Hungary)

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Re: Seconds Behind the master 0 but in reality it"s over 10 minutesor hours..

am 06.09.2011 07:12:40 von Rob Wultsch

> Hm.
> It seems we have sort of ethernet segment saturation problem.

A possible bandaid/quick fix is turning on compression for mysql replication.

Rob Wultsch

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