GUI Library

GUI Library

am 28.09.2011 12:59:14 von Francisco Rivas

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to write
some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI library
for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I would
like to know what people recommend from their experience.

Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have a very
nice day.


Re: GUI Library

am 28.09.2011 14:22:20 von Alan Haggai Alavi

On 09/28/11 16:29, Francisco Rivas wrote:
> Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to write
> some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI library
> for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I would
> like to know what people recommend from their experience.
> Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have a very
> nice day.

Hello, Francisco,

Padre, the Perl IDE, uses wxPerl and is under active development. The
latest Wx was released on 06th of June 2011. I recommend it.

Alan Haggai Alavi.
The difference makes the difference.

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Re: GUI Library

am 28.09.2011 14:33:57 von Octavian Rasnita

From: "Alan Haggai Alavi"
> On 09/28/11 16:29, Francisco Rivas wrote:
>> Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to
>> write
>> some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI
>> library
>> for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I
>> would
>> like to know what people recommend from their experience.
>> Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have a
>> very
>> nice day.
> Hello, Francisco,
> Padre, the Perl IDE, uses wxPerl and is under active development. The
> latest Wx was released on 06th of June 2011. I recommend it.
> Regards,
> Alan Haggai Alavi.



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Re: GUI Library

am 28.09.2011 15:09:45 von Shawn H Corey

On 11-09-28 06:59 AM, Francisco Rivas wrote:
> Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to write
> some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI library
> for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I would
> like to know what people recommend from their experience.
> Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have a very
> nice day.

Perl/Tk has the best documentation. If you're only doing one program
with a GUI, I would recommend it. If you're going to be doing many,
learn WxPerl.

Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

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Re: GUI Library

am 28.09.2011 15:48:15 von Rob Dixon

On 28/09/2011 14:09, Shawn H Corey wrote:
> On 11-09-28 06:59 AM, Francisco Rivas wrote:
>> Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to
>> write
>> some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI
>> library
>> for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I
>> would
>> like to know what people recommend from their experience.
>> Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have a
>> very
>> nice day.
> Perl/Tk has the best documentation. If you're only doing one program
> with a GUI, I would recommend it. If you're going to be doing many,
> learn WxPerl.

I agree. wxPerl has by far the best design and API, and is fully
portable if that is a consideration.

Perhaps if you never expect to write another GUI interface then Perl/Tk
may get you up and running a little quicker.


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Re: GUI Library

am 28.09.2011 16:02:35 von Francisco Rivas

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thank you very much, I will take a look a both wxPerl and Perl/Tk. The
application is very simple just read a file of paired values for example X :
Y and then show them to the user cha nge the Y value and then save all
changes to the same file.

Thank you very much for your time and every single comment.

2011/9/28 Octavian Rasnita

> From: "Alan Haggai Alavi"
> On 09/28/11 16:29, Francisco Rivas wrote:
>>> Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to
>>> write
>>> some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI
>>> library
>>> for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I
>>> would
>>> like to know what people recommend from their experience.
>>> Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have a
>>> very
>>> nice day.
>> Hello, Francisco,
>> Padre, the Perl IDE, uses wxPerl and is under active development. The
>> latest Wx was released on 06th of June 2011. I recommend it.
>> Regards,
>> Alan Haggai Alavi.
> WxPerl++
> Octavian


Re: GUI Library

am 28.09.2011 17:22:48 von Octavian Rasnita

From: "Shawn H Corey"

> On 11-09-28 06:59 AM, Francisco Rivas wrote:
>> Hello, I am planning to write a very small stand alone application to =
>> some file and I would like to know which is the best/recommended GUI =
>> for Perl. I have read about wxPerl, GTK2, PerlQT4 and even Tk, but I =
>> like to know what people recommend from their experience.
>> Thank you very very much in advance for your time and comments. Have =
a very
>> nice day.
> Perl/Tk has the best documentation. If you're only doing one program=20
> with a GUI, I would recommend it. If you're going to be doing many,=20
> learn WxPerl.

Also, if you consider that the software should be also accessible for =
everyone, never use Tk, because it creates programs which are not =
accessible at all for the screen readers used by the blind.


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best AJAX tool/module ?

am 28.09.2011 22:50:01 von Rajeev Prasad

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hello,  =0Awhat would be the best AJAX module to use with perl?  =
=0Ais cgi::ajax best? I am not using CGI in my project so far so checking i=
f there is anything else out there...  =0Aare there any other modules w=
hich would be easy (natural fit) to work with data returned in JASON?  =
=0Aplease give your expert=A0advice based on your insight into this.  =
 =0Athank you.

Re: best AJAX tool/module ?

am 29.09.2011 03:35:43 von jeffpang

SSBoYXZlIGJlZW4gdXNpbmcgQ0dJOjpBamF4IGFuZCBKU09OLCBib3RoIHdv cmsgZmluZSBmb3Ig
IDxycC5uZXVsaUB5YWhvby5jb20+Ogo+IEhlbGxvLAo+IMKgCj4gd2hhdCB3 b3VsZCBiZSB0aGUg
YmVzdCBBSkFYIG1vZHVsZSB0byB1c2Ugd2l0aCBwZXJsPwo+IMKgCj4gaXMg Y2dpOjphamF4IGJl
c3Q/IEkgYW0gbm90IHVzaW5nIENHSSBpbiBteSBwcm9qZWN0IHNvIGZhciBz byBjaGVja2luZyBp
ZiB0aGVyZSBpcyBhbnl0aGluZyBlbHNlIG91dCB0aGVyZS4uLgo+IMKgCj4g YXJlIHRoZXJlIGFu
eSBvdGhlciBtb2R1bGVzIHdoaWNoIHdvdWxkIGJlIGVhc3kgKG5hdHVyYWwg Zml0KSB0byB3b3Jr
ZXJ0wqBhZHZpY2UgYmFzZWQgb24geW91ciBpbnNpZ2h0IGludG8gdGhpcy4K PiDCoAo+IMKgCj4g
dGhhbmsgeW91Lgo+IAotLQogIEplZmYgUGFuZwogIGplZmZwYW5nQG1haWwu cnUK

Re: best AJAX tool/module ?

am 29.09.2011 05:14:29 von Rajeev Prasad

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
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=0Ahow about dojo EXT motools  ...etc. ? can these be integ=
rated with perl CGI? ________________________________=0AFrom: Je=
ff Pang =0ATo: Rajeev Prasad =0ACc: "=" =0ASent: Wednesday, September 28, 2=
011 8:35 PM=0ASubject: Re: best AJAX tool/module ? I have been using C=
GI::Ajax and JSON, both work fine for me. 29 сен=
тября 2011, 00:50 от Rajeev Prasad>:=0A> Hello,=0A>  =0A> what would be the best AJAX modu=
le to use with perl?=0A>  =0A> is cgi::ajax best? I am not using CGI i=
n my project so far so checking if there is anything else out there...=0A> =
 =0A> are there any other modules which would be easy (natural fit) to=
work with data returned in JASON?=0A>  =0A> please give your expert=
 advice based on your insight into this.=0A>  =0A>  =0A> tha=
nk you.=0A> =0A-- Â=A0 Jeff Pang Â=A0

Re: best AJAX tool/module ?

am 29.09.2011 07:24:35 von Octavian Rasnita

From: "Rajeev Prasad"


what would be the best AJAX module to use with perl?

is cgi::ajax best? I am not using CGI in my project so far so checking if
there is anything else out there...

are there any other modules which would be easy (natural fit) to work with
data returned in JASON?

please give your expert advice based on your insight into this.

Even though I am not an expert in AJAX, I think you may find useful to use a
JS lib like jQuery and use the AJAX tools it offers.


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Re: best AJAX tool/module ?

am 29.09.2011 08:28:25 von Shlomi Fish

Hello Rajeev,

first of all I should note (to you and to everybody else) that you shouldn't
start a new thread by replying to an existing message, because this confuses
threaded mailers. Instead, compose a new message to .

On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 13:50:01 -0700 (PDT)
Rajeev Prasad wrote:

> Hello,
> what would be the best AJAX module to use with perl?
> is cgi::ajax best? I am not using CGI in my project so far so checking if=
there is anything else out there...

It's CGI::Ajax, and it should be OK for some stuff. In any case, I suggest =
learn how AJAX works above HTTP, so you will know how to implement it using=
HTTP service:

> are there any other modules which would be easy (natural fit) to work wit=
h data returned in JASON?

It's â€=9CJSONâ€=9D (JavaScript Object Notation) - not â€=9CJAS=
ONâ€=9D . Do you wish to serve
such JSON data in Perl or to process it?

> please give your expert advice based on your insight into this.
> thank you.


Shlomi Fish

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Shlomi Fish
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Chuck Norris reads all messages posted to LKML (=3D the Linux Kernel Mailing
List), understands them all, and he kills all gnomes he sees in sight.

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Re: best AJAX tool/module ?

am 29.09.2011 08:32:07 von Shlomi Fish

Hi Rajeev,

On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 20:14:29 -0700 (PDT)
Rajeev Prasad wrote:

> how about dojo EXT motools  ...etc. ?
> can these be integrated with perl CGI?
Yes, they can (including jQuery). What are you trying to do exactly?


Shlomi Fish

------------------------------------------------------------ -----
Shlomi Fish
My Public Domain Photos -

VB.NET is all of the fun of enforced privacy OO with all of the pow=
of BASIC. â€=94 Freenodeâ€=99s #perl

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Re: best AJAX tool/module ?

am 29.09.2011 20:37:42 von Rajeev Prasad

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Shlomi/all, i am simply trying to find a tool/module/method (as in =
English word method) which would allow asynchronous XMLHTTPRequest to be se=
nt to perl CGI programs on my web server (or sub routines in a perl script)=
and return the value(s) to webpage to be displayed in the div i want to di=
splay on. reading on web , i figured CGI::Ajax does it by somehow tyin=
g a JavaScript function (automatically generating JavaScript code and injec=
ting in the perl output) to a perl subroutine. So 1)it duplicates the code =
of the subroutine. 2) its JavaScript code can not be cached on client and, =
has to be created and transferred with every page load. 3) have dependency =
on CGI module. (meaning even though i am generating my html using TToolkit,=
and doing my form validation in JavaScript, i HAVE to load the extra code =
of CGI module, for using CGI::Ajax). =0Ai was wondering is this possib=
le: [example from web, modified a bit] =0A=0A=0A=0A


=0A =3D"one record in each line" class=3D"validate[required]" type=3D"text" nam=
e=3D"records" id=3D"records" rows=3D5 cols=3D150>

=0Asave =
to file:
t-input" type=3D"text" style=3D"width:350px" name=3D"outfile" id=3D"outfile=
" />


________________________________=0AFrom: Shlomi Fish>=0ATo: Rajeev Prasad =0ACc: Jeff Pang>; "" =0ASent: Thursday=
, September 29, 2011 1:32 AM=0ASubject: Re: best AJAX tool/module ? Hi=
Rajeev, On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 20:14:29 -0700 (PDT)=0ARajeev Prasad> wrote: > how about dojo EXT motools  ...etc. ?=
=0A> =0A> can these be integrated with perl CGI? Yes, they can (includ=
ing jQuery). What are you trying to do exactly? Regards,  =
   Shlomi Fish -- =0A---------------------------------------=
--------------------------=0AShlomi Fish      http://www.shl= Public Domain Photos -
if/   VB.NET is all of the fun of enforced privacy OO with =
all of the power=0Aof BASIC.          â€=94 F=
reenodeâ€=99s #perl Please reply to list if it's a mailing list po=
st - .

Re: best AJAX tool/module ?

am 29.09.2011 21:13:20 von Brandon McCaig

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Rajeev Prasad wrote:
> i am simply trying to find a tool/module/method (as in English
> word method) which would allow asynchronous XMLHTTPRequest to
> be sent to perl CGI programs on my web server (or sub routines
> in a perl script) and return the value(s) to webpage to be
> displayed in the div i want to display on.

AJAX is most often used as a buzzword. The actual definition is
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. The key is the XMLHttpRequest
object in JavaScript (a non-standard browser extension), which
allows code to make a Web request in the background
(asynchronously) without affecting the current page. The result
of that request may be XML data, but often JSON is used instead
of XML because it's simpler and usually smaller (the term AJAX is
often used anyway). You can also choose to just return plain HTML
too instead of data. The server doesn't actually /need/ to do
anything special for this. The AJAX part can be completely
implemented in client-side JavaScript. Then it's a matter of
having server-side code that returns the right response, whether
that's a snippet of HTML, an entire HTML document, or some data
format. The server doesn't necessarily need to expect to be used
asychronously, though it often does for efficiency's sake (it's
often more efficient to send data than an entire document).

> i was wondering is this possible: [example from web, modified a
> bit]

Your example appears to be just fetching an HTML snippet from a
Web server and inserting it into the DOM with JavaScript.
Relatively little is needed on the server to do this. Which ever
CGI program you invoke will need to know what you are asking for.
It could be a specialized program that only handles one request
type, or it could be a dispatcher that figures out what you want
by GET or POST data and returns it appropriately. That is up to
you. Whether the program outputs an HTML document, an HTML
snippet, or some data format is also up to you. The client-side
implementation will need to specially deal with whatever response
type the server sends.

I would recommend a JavaScript library, such as jQuery, to make
things a little bit easier on the JavaScript side. As I said, the
XMLHttpRequest object is non-standard, and some browsers do it a
little bit differently. jQuery can also help to abstract other
incompatibilities, like innerHTML and innerText. jQuery can be
thought of as a cross-browser compatibility layer (with added
sugar). There are other options, of course, but jQuery is just
the one that I am familiar with.

I personally haven't gotten around to doing any real CGI
programming so I can't help out with that.


Brandon McCaig
V zrna gur orfg jvgu jung V fnl. Vg qbrfa'g nyjnlf fbhaq gung jnl.
Castopulence Software

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