do() converts undef bound params to 0 for server side prepared statements Beiträge: 0
Problem installing 4.006 under cygwin - "Cannot find the file "mysql_config"!" Beiträge: 4
AW: can"t return a result set in the given context Beiträge: 3
can"t return a result set in the given context Beiträge: 0
DBI errors for Authentication protocol and old_password segfaults Beiträge: 6
Problems getting UPDATE statement to work for Perl import script Beiträge: 4
Problem installing DBD::mysql on Cygwin Beiträge: 3
I have a problem but cant find it Beiträge: 2
DBD::mysql library issue on mod_perl2/Leopard Beiträge: 11
I updated DBD and broke some scripts Beiträge: 4
mysql_read_defaults_file requires absolute path Beiträge: 0
DBD::mysql 4.006 SEGVing on Solaris sparc Beiträge: 1
Apache log errors Beiträge: 0
Problem with DBD/mysql Beiträge: 0
mysql query question Beiträge: 1
DBD:Oracle question Beiträge: 2
Leak on FreeBSD amd64? Beiträge: 1
memory leak in script that uses 32-bit DBD::mysql driver on a 64-bit Linux host (openSUSE) Beiträge: 0
MYSQL query Beiträge: 3
DBD::mysql 4.006 Released Beiträge: 0
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