Best way to sort arrays Beiträge: 3
what date is it? PHP style Beiträge: 2
Quick terminology question Beiträge: 8
I need help to block spam messages Beiträge: 2
simple events calendar using mysql Beiträge: 8
PHP subroutine - get additional info from text file? Beiträge: 1
broken file upload Beiträge: 6
Validate variables w/out empty Beiträge: 8
pear isn"t returning affectedRows Beiträge: 0
CURL: Result on console and in PHP are different Beiträge: 17
Multiple Domains; 1 Server; 1 PHP Install; Only One Domain Has A Working PHP; WHY?????? Beiträge: 21 Web 2.0 Programmer Beiträge: 0
Looking for help on what is probably a simple task Beiträge: 5
Why is server starting on Beiträge: 1
Important and Urgent Beiträge: 3
iterating through object structure Beiträge: 2
New at php and need some help Beiträge: 1
Greetings! from a PHP resource website Beiträge: 0
Does a lower php.ini replace an upper php.ini in the directory tree ? Activation in .htaccess necess Beiträge: 13
Frustrated and confused Beiträge: 6
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