Why does CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION require open_basedir to be turnedoff? Beiträge: 2
move_uploaded_file Beiträge: 10
Transparent PNGs: Merging Beiträge: 3
Upload dir Beiträge: 6
Server-side encryption to prevent form hacking: new idea? Beiträge: 5
Backup to local drive Beiträge: 12
fpassthru() error after update Beiträge: 4
problem in Computing hash of certificates Beiträge: 0
Issue with $HTTP_POST_VARS Not getting Variables Beiträge: 3
Using Curl to replicate a site Beiträge: 7
mysterious include problem Beiträge: 8
I have not seen any messages for a couple of days... Beiträge: 9
PHP 5.3 Code Documentor Beiträge: 1
SimpleXML or DOMDocument help Beiträge: 6
Force-Saving an Audio File Beiträge: 4
refuses to complete all queries Beiträge: 1
can"t retrieve more than 1 record at the time Beiträge: 2
generating an object from XMl using Zend_Config_Xml Beiträge: 0
Browsing PHP documentation from Emacs Beiträge: 3
Where you are wanted! Beiträge: 0
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