How can a non-privileged user find the NIC speeds? Beiträge: 0
FAQ 8.2 How come exec() doesn"t return? Beiträge: 0
Applied Perl Source Code Beiträge: 0
Applied Perl Source Code Beiträge: 0
FAQ 8.9 How do I ask the user for a password? Beiträge: 0
Retrieving autoincrement field from SQLite using DBI Beiträge: 1
Question about arrays of hashes Beiträge: 3
Parsing function args in Getopt::Long style Beiträge: 4
Testing code Beiträge: 2
How to send email from perl-script with different priorities : normal Beiträge: 6
Using CPAN "lightweight" Beiträge: 7
Force return of the diamond operator from network socket Beiträge: 8
Inserting, update and deleteting a database under conditions Beiträge: 5
FAQ 8.28 How can I call backticks without shell processing? Beiträge: 0
Is there a way to send and alt-f4 to process Beiträge: 0
syswrite "Bad file descriptor" after successfully writing to that Beiträge: 3
FAQ 8.3 How do I do fancy stuff with the keyboard/screen/mouse? Beiträge: 0
Posting Guidelines for comp.lang.perl.misc ($Revision: 1.8 $) Beiträge: 0
FAQ 7.26 How can I find out my current package? Beiträge: 0
Problem installing DBD::mysql Beiträge: 13
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