Re: Spaawn another process

Re: Spaawn another process

am 06.11.2002 20:50:04 von Michael Upchurch

"YC Nyon" wrote:
>In my PHP page, I need to run a external program to insert map data into
>Postgresql. However, the process is very slow (can be 10 mins). How do I
>return a webpage telling the user that the process is running and permits
>the user to browse the other parts of the web application.
>My idea is to run the "exec();" after the tag. Would that be the

Use register_shutdown_function() to run a function which exec's the
command. This turns lose of the browser while the command executes. Of
course, you will lose the ability to poll the status of the command unless
you build this into your function.

Michael J. Upchurch
Partner2Partner Communications, LLC

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