WebDB 0.6.0 Released

WebDB 0.6.0 Released

am 27.12.2002 04:12:20 von Christopher Kings-Lynne


The phpPgAdmin project has just released the first widely available version
of its next-generation web based PostgreSQL administration tool, WebDB.

This new project aims to rewrite PostgreSQL from scratch in a modern,
secure, extensible and object-oriented manner.

You can download from here:


Features include:

* Rudimentary PostgreSQL 7.3 support
* Code is well documented, well designed and easy to add to and understand
* Works with register_globals off and error_reporting (E_ALL) and carefully
quotes fields and values for maximum security
* Fully themeable

We are working fast to add all the old features from phpPgAdmin, plus heaps
of new ones.

We are looking for active, interested PHP/PostgreSQL developers to help us
out. Please contact me if you are really interested in working on WebDB.


Chris Kings-Lynne
Project Co-Admin

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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


Re: WebDB 0.6.0 Released

am 03.01.2003 02:30:24 von Christopher Kings-Lynne

> This new project aims to rewrite PostgreSQL from scratch in a modern,

Gah! Did I say PostgreSQL, I meant phpPgAdmin!!!

Hehehe :)


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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
