checking a form

checking a form

am 27.01.2003 18:07:48 von Jesus Rios

Hi everybody. First be patiently with my English.I am from Galiza country.

I am a new php-postgresql user. I am making a form. After submit this form,
it will take us to an archive.php. Firts i would do is to check if every
form'elements are not-white.It is, if everyone have been selected.
I was tryng so using $HTTP_POST_VARS) and cheking if every slots where not

function comprovaformulario($var)
for ($i=1;$i<$num;$i++)
if (empty($var[$i]))
return false;

But it is wrong for example in the case of a checkbox: it does not must be
on all off then.

How can i do this???.

Thank you.

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