Problem with the type date

Problem with the type date

am 28.01.2003 13:04:52 von Jesus Rios

Hi. I have written onces for the same question, with no sucess for me.
I have a table so:

Table "s_objetivos_caso"
Column | Type | Modifiers
- ----------------+---------+-----------
dni | integer | not null
fecha | date | not null
cod_s_objetivos | integer | not null

I have 3 variables in my form where i get the date:
when i want to insert into the table io do so:

include ("globals.php");
$tdate=$fecha_anho."-".$fecha_mes."-".$fecha_dia;-------> HERE IS THE PROBLEM


$aux_s_obj=inserta_tabla_generica_caso($dni,$tdate,$cod_s_ob jetivos,$conn,$ta
bla); if(!$aux_s_obj)
echo ("Error al rellenar la tabla=s_objetivos_caso");

The function is :

function inserta_tabla_generica_caso($denei,$data,$cod,$cone,$table)
$insert="INSERT INTO $table VALUES('$denei','$data','$cod')"; ********
if ($result)
return true;
return false;

The error which throw me the navigator is:

Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: Bad date external representation
'--' in /var/www/jesus/foniatra/globals.php on line 55
Error al rellenar la tabla=s_objetivos_caso

line 55 is which who has **********

In which format i must put the date for insert it into the table?

If it is a help , when i do:
foniatra=# SELECT now()::date; ------>
(1 row)

In my form i have this:



Thank you.


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Re: Problem with the type date

am 28.01.2003 13:43:14 von Matthew Horoschun

Hi There,

> Warning: PostgreSQL query failed: ERROR: Bad date external
> representation
> '--' in /var/www/jesus/foniatra/globals.php on line 55

Okay... so that means the variables $fecha_anho, $fecha_mes, and
$fecha_dia are empty.

I'm guessing here, but it might be because you're running a recent
version of PHP where register_globals has been turned off by default.

Try this:

$tdate =

Try echoing $tdate directly after this line to make sure its set

Also, in your HTML, it is good practice to always quote parameter


Matthew Horoschun
Network Administrator
CanPrint Communications Pty. Ltd.

Matthew Horoschun
Network Administrator
CanPrint Communications Pty. Ltd.

Mobile: 0417 282 378
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