

am 18.04.2003 21:15:40 von Bernd Hoffmann


i need some help with session_pgsql-0.6.1. The installation runs without

The only one manual which I can find is the README:
Once you have successfully installed session_pgsql (and PHP of course)
and PostgreSQL to localhost. All you have to do is (as postgres super user)

% createuser nobody
% createdb php_session

I cant't create a user "nobody" without a password!

Can somebody send me a link (tutorial, manuel,...) which I can use this
extension on a multiuserserver??



Bernd Hoffmann
Geisbergblick 1
96123 Litzendorf
Tel.: 09505804066

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Re: session_pgsql-0.6.1

am 18.04.2003 22:42:21 von brew


> Once you have successfully installed session_pgsql (and PHP of course)
> and PostgreSQL to localhost. All you have to do is (as postgres super user)
> % createuser nobody
> % createdb php_session

Perhaps you don't have permission to create new users. In that case find
out what user you can log in as and use that and change the code. I don't
think there is anything special about users in postgreSQL, except to keep
track of who has what permissions and where they can connect from.

If you are lucky there is one common connection include file so you only
have to change it once instead of on every connection instance.

If you still have trouble with users and connecting to the DB server
you'll have to contact the server admins for help as this is server


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Strange Brew (
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Re: session_pgsql-0.6.1

am 18.04.2003 23:54:53 von Bernd Hoffmann


thanks for answer..

> Perhaps you don't have permission to create new users. In that case find
> out what user you can log in as and use that and change the code. I don't
> think there is anything special about users in postgreSQL, except to keep
> track of who has what permissions and where they can connect from.

I'm rootuser :)

> If you are lucky there is one common connection include file so you only
> have to change it once instead of on every connection instance.

There is only one dbconnect string without password.
The installation is ok, I think

> If you still have trouble with users and connecting to the DB server
> you'll have to contact the server admins for help as this is server

Normally my server runs with the following two lines in pg_hda.conf
local all
host all password

I can't create a user per createuser without password because
input ask me to a password again and again.

I've add the following line to my pg_hda.conf without success. :(
local php_session trust

Can I use any db, with other dbname and with password? If yes, how can I
disshow my
dbname, password.. in phpinfo?

Where can I find some examples at web?

PS.: Excuse me for my bad english, but I'm german.. :)



Bernd Hoffmann
Geisbergblick 1
96123 Litzendorf
Tel.: 09505804066

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Re: session_pgsql-0.6.1

am 19.04.2003 10:16:16 von adriantineo

After installing you NEED to create a user, this hasn't got to be the same
name of your unix user but most normally it will be. For example if your
Unix username is bhoffmann.

su - root //Enter password
su - postgres //Enter as postgresql superuser and no password will be
needed as you were root
createuser bhoffmann
exit //now you are bhoffmann again type "whoami" to check
createdb mydb //Creates a db as user bhoffmann, you can also use
"createbd mydb -U bhoffmann"
psql mydb

Let us know if it worked.

> I'm rootuser :)

Adrian Tineo

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