Pgsql & PHP & src

Pgsql & PHP & src

am 21.04.2003 14:42:41 von Rudi Starcevic


I'd like to install PHP on a machine and enable Postgresql support.
I prefer to compile from source - no packages.
However on this machine I do not have a running Postgresql db.
In order to compile in Postgresql support I'll need to copy some
Postgresql files onto the machine.

The problem is I'm not sure which ones.

Normally when compiling Postgres the I 'make install' then 'make
install-all-headers'. This ensure's the required files for compiling
in Postgres for PHP are present.

Can anyone tell me which files to copy in from the Postgres source ?
Maybe I can't. Perhaps I'll need to at least have Postgresql compiled on
each machine that has PHP with Pg support - just not have a running database.


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