Re: PGsql qustion

Re: PGsql qustion

am 28.04.2003 08:13:06 von Matthew Horoschun


On Monday, April 28, 2003, at 03:52 PM, Majid Khattak wrote:
> user=3Dtest, password=3Dtest (which is md5 encrypted) .. I can connect=20
> thorough pgadminII with user test and password test.. I have enabled=20
> the password_encryption=3Dtrue and reload the server but unable to=20
> connect through php. As I have compared=A0the same md5 encrypted=20
> password in the php and in the pg_shadow file both the password are=20
> same but I don't why I cann't connect to the database.. It gives me=20
> this messaage.
> Password authentication failed for user "test". Please help me out..=A0=
> Thanks in Advance.

You need to do the md5 like this for it to work in the pg_shadow table:

$md5Password =3D 'md5' . md5( $cleartextPassword . $username );

Hope that helps.



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