

am 23.05.2003 17:25:59 von thoyerj

Hi everybody,

Excuse me for my bad english...

I've installed Red hat Linux 8.0, and php 4.2.2, apache 2.0.40 and postgresql
are installed automatically.

Apache and php runs very well (i created a file "test.php" with the
instruction phpinfo() and the information appears very well when i load my
page in my browser, in particular i see the configure command of php and --
with-apxs --with-pgsql=shared take part of it).

In an other php file, i try to connect a postgres database with the command
And it appears in my browser this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect() ...

the file httpd.conf contents:
LoadModule php4_module modules/

the file php.ini contents:
pgsql.allow_persistent= On

what should i do?

Thanks for any help


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