why am i not getting kicked out?
am 17.05.2003 20:01:31 von Ryan A
I have this code:
error_reporting (E_ALL);
echo "The session is still registered.";
} else {
header("Location: co.details.php");
echo "Ok, the session is no longer registered!";
When I access this page directly at:
http://bestwebhosters.com/co.details.php why am i not getting kicked back to
Kindly reply,
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Re: why am i not getting kicked out?
am 17.05.2003 21:57:25 von Tyler Lane
On Sat, 2003-05-17 at 11:01, Ryan A wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this code:
> session_start();
> error_reporting (E_ALL);
> include_once("configbwh.php");
> if(session_is_registered('user')){
> echo "The session is still registered.";
> } else {
> header("Location: co.details.php");
> echo "Ok, the session is no longer registered!";
> }
> ?>
> When I access this page directly at:
> http://bestwebhosters.com/co.details.php why am i not getting kicked back to
> co.details.php?
> Kindly reply,
> -Ryan
Its because it looks like you are redirecting to the exact same page and
getting caught in a loop. Thats a bad thing[tm].
Tyler Lane
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