"--disable-module=all" and apache2

"--disable-module=all" and apache2

am 04.11.2003 20:11:18 von coUnt3r


first: sorry for my mail that miss the main point to mod_proxy ;)

i'll compile apache with the needed modules (i.e. mod_proxy) only,
but how to disable all of the unnecessary default modules in apache2.x?

/usr/local/src/httpd-2.0.48# ./configure --disable-module=all
--enable-module=access --enable-module=log_config
configure: error: invalid feature name: module=all

any idea?

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Re: "--disable-module=all" and apache2

am 26.05.2004 00:35:48 von Zarko Coklin

I had to achieve the same thing and did it by careful inspection
what my proxy really needs. I got proxy by configuring source
code like following:

../configure --prefix=$HOME/Apache --with-mpm=worker --disable-actions --disa
ble-alias \
--disable-asis --disable-auth --disable-autoindex --disable-cgi \
--disable-cgid --disable-charset-lite --disable-env --disable-imap \
--disable-include --disable-negotiation --disable-setenvif --disable-status
--disable-userdir --enable-proxy

Be careful to set first 2 switches according to your needs. Path and MPM may
different in your case.

NOTE: At one point compilation on Solaris failed so I had to manually edit
server/exports.c file and delete everything below line 1569!

Zarko Coklin

> Hello,
> first: sorry for my mail that miss the main point to mod_proxy ;)
> i'll compile apache with the needed modules (i.e. mod_proxy) only,
> but how to disable all of the unnecessary default modules in apache2.x?
> /usr/local/src/httpd-2.0.48# ./configure --disable-module=all
> --enable-module=access --enable-module=log_config
> configure: error: invalid feature name: module=all
> any idea?
> Tobias