certificate doesn"t apply to ie

certificate doesn"t apply to ie

am 03.06.2002 17:52:33 von Herr Maik HERTHA

hi gyu's;

i've some strange experience using the (latest) openssl (0.9.6c) library.
i build openssl 0.9.6b on a solaris 7 box. the library is used with
apache 1.3.17 and modssl 2.8.0. the creation of a self-signed
certificate was done according chapter 6 of the mod-ssl handbook. there
are no problems. the certificate is accepted by all incarnations of ie
and sure all the mozilla-types (ns 4.x->mozilla).
i want to upgrade the apache installation to 1.3.24 with modssl 2.8.8
and openssl 0.9.6c. the build was done on a solaris 8 box. the creation
of the self-signed certificate was done the same way described above. no
problems in the creation process. but after installing the certificates
on the server they where accepted only by the mozilla-types (ns 4.x->
mozilla) and opera browsers. all types of ie are not able to use this
certificate. i get their stupid error-page with zero-information :-( .
there is no error message in the logs, only in the 'ssl_engine_log' that
a connection was established.
then i tried using a certificate build with the openssl installation on
the solaris 7 box. after i installed this on the apache_modssl on the
solaris 8 box also the ie-browser are able to establish a working https
now i'm a little bit surprised, why the newer library creates certs
which are not able for use with ie but the older one does. where is my
mistake? :-\

any help will be appreciated.



mit freundlichem Gruß /
best regards

Maik Hertha

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