An easy home version of Linux

An easy home version of Linux

am 18.10.2004 19:58:02 von Anna Grace Zapata

Hello everyone,

Can someone recommend an easy to use, home version of Linux that can be housed on a 1.9GB harddrive, 252MB memory, and
512 MHz? I've looked at Fedora and I don't think I have the resources for it.

As always, thanks.


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Re: An easy home version of Linux

am 18.10.2004 21:39:23 von James Miller

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, Anna G. Zapata wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Can someone recommend an easy to use, home version of Linux that can be housed on a 1.9GB harddrive, 252MB memory, and
> 512 MHz? I've looked at Fedora and I don't think I have the resources for it.

The Libranet 2.0 free version (now a bit outdated--not sure if it's still
available) might work ok, *if* you do the minimal install. It was taking
500MB hard drive space last I looked at it.

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Re: An easy home version of Linux

am 18.10.2004 22:20:19 von Ray Olszewski

At 11:58 AM 10/18/2004 -0600, Anna G. Zapata wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>Can someone recommend an easy to use, home version of Linux that can be
>housed on a 1.9GB harddrive, 252MB memory, and
>512 MHz? I've looked at Fedora and I don't think I have the resources for it.
>As always, thanks.

Once installed, all the major Linux distros are pretty much equally easy to
use. They do differ auite a bit in the details of getting them set up,
though, and it's hard to me (or anyone, really) to say what *you* would
find easy in that respect.

What you want to use the system for affects what you need in the way of
"resources", because it affects what parts you need to install. The RAM and
CPU speed you mention are marginal (I'm probably being too mild there;
"inadequate" is probably closer to the mark) for heavyweight X desktop
environments like KDE, for example. But I even have running here a very
lightweight X installation on an ancient P200, 96 MB RAM, about 2 GB hard
disk. (Compared to that, a 512 MHz Celeron, say, would seem downright
zippy.) I wouldn't recommend that sort of setup for complex uses, but the
limited uses I put it to (word processing, viewing PDF files) are well
within its capabilities.

As to what distro ... well, we all have our habits, and what's familiar to
somebody comes to seem easy after a time. I use Debian myself; its online
installs (using a set of boot/root floppies or an install CD, but getting
most packages from an up-to-date package repository) make it "easy" in a
way that matters to me, though it is pretty weak on identifying hardware
for you, so that part can be hard. Others like Slackware, which also has
its strengths and weaknesses, but is, like Debian, friendlier toward
stripped-down installs for low-resource setups.

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Re: An easy home version of Linux

am 18.10.2004 22:27:19 von chuck gelm net

Anna G. Zapata wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>Can someone recommend an easy to use, home version of Linux that can be housed on a 1.9GB harddrive, 252MB memory, and
>512 MHz? I've looked at Fedora and I don't think I have the resources for it.
>As always, thanks.
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I have installed Slackware v9.1 with Xwindows on a
Pentium 200 MHz, with 64 Megabytes of RAM and
a 2 gigabyte hard drive. If you choose a window
manager other than KDE or Gnome, it will fit and run.
With your 252 MB of RAM, X will be just fine.
Suse 9.x should work well also.

Have you considered an older release?
Red Hat 7.3, Suse 7.x, Slackware 7.x would be fine.
If your processor is less than a Pentium, try Slackware
as 9.x will run on a 80486 and Slackware 7.x runs on a
80386. You can always compile the kernel for your own
level of processor.

HTH, Chuck

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RE: An easy home version of Linux

am 18.10.2004 22:28:38 von Michael Anaya

Hello everyone,

Can someone recommend an easy to use, home version of Linux that can be
housed on a 1.9GB harddrive, 252MB memory, and
512 MHz? I've looked at Fedora and I don't think I have the resources for

As always, thanks.


Try Knoppix
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Re: An easy home version of Linux

am 19.10.2004 00:05:41 von Edgar Alwers

On Monday 18 October 2004 19:58, you wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Can someone recommend an easy to use, home version of Linux that can be
> housed on a 1.9GB harddrive, 252MB memory, and 512 MHz? I've looked at
> Fedora and I don't think I have the resources for it.
Hallo Anna,

give a try to knoppix. It is freeware or you pay only a small amount for CD's
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Re: An easy home version of Linux

am 19.10.2004 01:11:03 von James Miller

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, Ray Olszewski wrote:

> somebody comes to seem easy after a time. I use Debian myself; its online
> installs (using a set of boot/root floppies or an install CD, but getting
> most packages from an up-to-date package repository) make it "easy" in a
> way that matters to me, though it is pretty weak on identifying hardware
> for you, so that part can be hard. Others like Slackware, which also has

Not so with the new installer, which I've tried. It does a very good job
of hardware ID. The new installer is what some of the newer Debianish
distros (Userlinux, Ubuntu) use. However Debian still doesn't seem to
have something like kudzu's ability to detect the presence of new hardware
in an already-setup system. But I'm still evaluating Ubuntu: I have yet
to offer it some new hardware to see what happens.

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Re: An easy home version of Linux

am 19.10.2004 04:25:17 von heisspf

Hi Anna

Slackware will surely do it as you control the installation. I installed and
run it on less than 2 Gb with only 124 Mb memory. You can even install
ZipSlack on a dos partition of which the basic installation w/o X uses only
around 80 Mb.

And yes I find Knoppix great, either you run it entirely from the CD or what I
did copied some files to the HD. Now I boot with the CD and run it from the HD
that uses about 1.6 Gb disk space with the complete KDE jazz et all. That
frees the CD.



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