modprobe snd-cs4236 question

modprobe snd-cs4236 question

am 20.10.2004 01:12:22 von James Miller

I'm evaluating a new Debian-derivative distro called Ubuntu and have a few
questions related to getting it working right on my hardware. I'll start
with a simple modprobe question and later pose some more complex questions
about LVM/webmin and console resolution. So, the question about modprobe
and a sound module.

For whatever reason, Ubuntu seems not to have detected and set up the
sound hardware on this system. It's an onboard Crystal Semiconductor 4236
chipset, and a bit of research on the web revealed that there are, in
fact, Linux modules for that chipset. So, I went into Ubuntu and from a
console issued "sudo modprobe snd-cs4236": no error messages ensued.
Attempting to play CD's subsequently succeeded, so the right module(s)
were loaded. Running "lsmod" revealed that several sound modules got
loaded along with snd-cs4236: I didn't see them there on previous lsmods.
So, now my question is how to get this modprobing automated. I know it
will vary somewhat by distro, and Ubunut may not do everything the
canonical Debian way. But it does have an /etc/modules file with module
entries very similar to those I see on my other Debian system, so it seems
this is one way to do it. But isn't this file for loading discreet
modules? In standard Debian, can one insert a modprobe line in there, or
are only module names allowed? Suggestions for automating this modprobing
at boot time? Or should I perhaps plan on entering the names of each
module that modprobe loads in that file? I looked a bit through the
Ubunut administrative tools (uses Gnome interface) but nothing jumped out
at me for accomplishing this. I also installed webmin, so I looked there
but also found nothing relevant on a cursory examination. Input

Thanks, James
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Re: modprobe snd-cs4236 question

am 20.10.2004 17:38:27 von Ray Olszewski

At 06:12 PM 10/19/2004 -0500, James Miller wrote:
>I'm evaluating a new Debian-derivative distro called Ubuntu and have a few
>questions related to getting it working right on my hardware. I'll start
>with a simple modprobe question and later pose some more complex questions
>about LVM/webmin and console resolution. So, the question about modprobe
>and a sound module.
>For whatever reason, Ubuntu seems not to have detected and set up the
>sound hardware on this system. It's an onboard Crystal Semiconductor 4236
>chipset, and a bit of research on the web revealed that there are, in
>fact, Linux modules for that chipset. So, I went into Ubuntu and from a
>console issued "sudo modprobe snd-cs4236": no error messages ensued.
>Attempting to play CD's subsequently succeeded, so the right module(s)
>were loaded. Running "lsmod" revealed that several sound modules got
>loaded along with snd-cs4236: I didn't see them there on previous lsmods.
>So, now my question is how to get this modprobing automated. I know it
>will vary somewhat by distro, and Ubunut may not do everything the
>canonical Debian way. But it does have an /etc/modules file with module
>entries very similar to those I see on my other Debian system, so it seems
>this is one way to do it. But isn't this file for loading discreet
>modules? In standard Debian, can one insert a modprobe line in there, or
>are only module names allowed? Suggestions for automating this modprobing
>at boot time? Or should I perhaps plan on entering the names of each
>module that modprobe loads in that file? I looked a bit through the
>Ubunut administrative tools (uses Gnome interface) but nothing jumped out
>at me for accomplishing this. I also installed webmin, so I looked there
>but also found nothing relevant on a cursory examination. Input

In "standard Debian", the entries in /etc/modules get modprobe'd, not
insmod'ed, so dependencies will be handled properly (assuming the
dependencies file is up to date ... "standard Debian" runs depmod as part
of the init process). You do put ONLY the names of the modules, plus any
arguments, you want loaded in this file ... not either "insmod" or "modprobe".

I haven't looked at Ubuntu so cannot tell you if it follows this "standard"
procedure or not. But the "standard Debian" procedure just runs this
feature from an ordinary init script (/etc/init.d/modutils), so you might
check for a corresponding init script in Ubuntu.

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Re: modprobe snd-cs4236 question

am 20.10.2004 19:31:10 von James Miller

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, Ray Olszewski wrote:

> In "standard Debian", the entries in /etc/modules get modprobe'd, not
> insmod'ed, so dependencies will be handled properly (assuming the
> dependencies file is up to date ... "standard Debian" runs depmod as part
> of the init process). You do put ONLY the names of the modules, plus any
> arguments, you want loaded in this file ... not either "insmod" or "modprobe".
> I haven't looked at Ubuntu so cannot tell you if it follows this "standard"
> procedure or not. But the "standard Debian" procedure just runs this
> feature from an ordinary init script (/etc/init.d/modutils), so you might
> check for a corresponding init script in Ubuntu.

Thanks for the clarification on /etc/modules and insmod/modprobe, Ray.
Looks like adding snd-cs4236 to /etc/modules is the answer for Ubuntu,
just as for "standard Debian." There *is* an /etc/init.d/modutils script
in Ubuntu, btw. More help requests on other topics will likely follow

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