Re: Stored procedures and "pseudo" fields..
am 20.07.2004 15:57:37 von jasiekOn 2004-07-20 15:34, Użytkownik Lars Erik Thorsplass napisaÅ:
> My stored procedure "acl_check()" takes two integers as parameters.
> Param1 is the object id to check acl on, Param 2 is the object id of
> the user currently using the system. The procedure returns a positive
> number (1 or 3 ) if you have some kind of access to the object. As one
> might understand I want the returned value from the acl_check()
> procedure to be a part of the result set.
> Kinda like this:
> SELECT *, acl_check( objects.obid,
> WHERE mode > 0;
> This gives me a: ERROR: column "mode" does not exist
You can't access column output alias in where clause. Instead you have
to use your function twice:
SELECT *, acl_check( objects.obid,
WHERE acl_check( objects.obid,
Tomasz Myrta
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match