Re: [GENERAL] Stored procedures and "pseudo" fields..

Re: [GENERAL] Stored procedures and "pseudo" fields..

am 21.07.2004 00:03:32 von thorsplass

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 09:45:06 -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > Kinda like this:
> >
> > SELECT *, acl_check( objects.obid, ) AS mode FROM objects
> > WHERE mode > 0;
> Here's the problem. In order to do the select, the query first needs to
> run the where clause. I.e.:
> select a as test from table where a > 50;
> works, but
> select a as test from table where test > 50;
> fails. The reason is that when the where clause fires first, there IS
> no test yet, as it hasn't been materialized. what you need to do is:
> select custom_function(a,b) from table where custom_function(a,b) > 0;

Thanks for clearing that up. I just hoped there was some magic I could
sprinkle on my query to get away from the extra overhead of running
the procedure twice :)

Best regards..


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Stored procedures and "pseudo" fields

am 10.08.2004 15:44:44 von ch

Lars Erik Thorsplass wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 09:45:06 -0600, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > > Kinda like this:
> > >
> > > SELECT *, acl_check( objects.obid, ) AS mode FROM objects
> > > WHERE mode > 0;
> >
> > Here's the problem. In order to do the select, the query first needs to
> > run the where clause. I.e.:
> >
> > select a as test from table where a > 50;
> >
> > works, but
> >
> > select a as test from table where test > 50;
> >
> > fails. The reason is that when the where clause fires first, there IS
> > no test yet, as it hasn't been materialized. what you need to do is:
> >
> > select custom_function(a,b) from table where custom_function(a,b) > 0;
> >
> >
> Thanks for clearing that up. I just hoped there was some magic I could
> sprinkle on my query to get away from the extra overhead of running
> the procedure twice :)
> Best regards..
> L.E.Thorsplass

Pretty late, I know, but just for the record, AFAICS there is this magic as
SELECT *, acl_check( objects.obid, ) AS mode FROM objects
) AS foo WHERE mode > 0;

Regards, Christoph

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend