Re: Sorry too many conecctions
am 21.07.2004 21:34:16 von gswIn the root directory in which postgres stores the data is a file:
Edit the file with a text editor (vi / ed / etc.) and change :
max_connections = ###
max_connections = 1000
(or more since other applications or a DBA may need to connect as well)
and also change
shared_buffers = ###
to be at least (max_connections * 2), so change this to at least 2000 for 1000 simulataneous connections. More connections use more shared memory so you want to have some limits to the total number.
Save the file changes.
Stop and restart the postgres instance (reload doesn't work for these settings).
Hope this helps,
Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC
-----Original Message-----
From: Javier Tesis Tolosa Trabajo []
Sent: Wed 7/21/2004 8:08 AM
Subject: [SQL] Sorry too many conecctions
hi everybody
I speak english a little,Sorry.
I have A problem whith de connections from a Aplicatio Java, guive me a
Error "Sorry too many clients",I think what is becuase I don't close
connecction to the DB postgresql, I do aprox. 1000 conecction into statement
"while" What can Do?
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