Is a backend id or something available for use as a foreign key?

Is a backend id or something available for use as a foreign key?

am 24.07.2004 14:35:07 von twanger


I have this application which has various users. I want the results of
functions to depend on which user is currently logged on. The usual
reply to this is to use CURRENT_USER. But in my case the application's
users are separate from the database users; the application always uses
the same user to connect to the database. Is there a backend id
available or something similar that would allow me to define a view like

CREATE VIEW my_user_name AS
u.user_name as user_name
users u
JOIN user_has_backend ub ON (u.user_id = ub.user_id)
ub.backend_id = CURRENT_BACKEND_ID;


Markus Bertheau

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Re: Is a backend id or something available for use as a foreign key?

am 24.07.2004 16:39:48 von tgl

Markus Bertheau writes:
> Is there a backend id available or something similar that would allow
> me to define a view like this:

IIRC there is a function to get your backend's PID. It was meant for
identifying rows relevant to you in the pg_stat views, so look in that
part of the documentation.

regards, tom lane

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