Trigger and function not on speaking terms

Trigger and function not on speaking terms

am 02.08.2004 22:20:15 von Jeff Boes

Hmm, this is puzzling me:

create or replace function fn_foo(text) returns trigger as '
# Do some stuff with $1
' language 'plpgsql';


create table bar (aaa text);


create trigger trg_bar
after insert or update on bar
execute procedure fn_foo('string');

ERROR: function fn_foo() does not exist

It would seem my trigger definition is trying to find fn_foo(), when I
mean for it to call fn_foo(TEXT).

(Posted from an account used as a SPAM dump. If you really want to get
in touch with me, dump the 'jboes' and substitute 'mur'.)
Jeffery Boes <><

Re: Trigger and function not on speaking terms

am 02.08.2004 23:20:31 von RP

On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 04:20:15PM -0400, Jeff Boes wrote:

> It would seem my trigger definition is trying to find fn_foo(), when I
> mean for it to call fn_foo(TEXT).

Triggers have to be declared to take no arguments; they find the rows on
which they operate in magical ways. (For PL/PgSQL triggers, see chapter
37.10 of the manual.)


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Re: Trigger and function not on speaking terms

am 02.08.2004 23:21:24 von sszabo

On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Jeff Boes wrote:

> Hmm, this is puzzling me:
> create or replace function fn_foo(text) returns trigger as '
> begin
> # Do some stuff with $1
> end;
> ' language 'plpgsql';
> create table bar (aaa text);
> create trigger trg_bar
> after insert or update on bar
> execute procedure fn_foo('string');
> ERROR: function fn_foo() does not exist
> It would seem my trigger definition is trying to find fn_foo(), when I
> mean for it to call fn_foo(TEXT).

I don't remember why, but the arguments from the create trigger statement
are passed differently from standard arguments (I think it's like TGARGS
in plpgsql).

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