contrib/tablefunc crosstab
am 05.08.2004 19:21:05 von csgHi,
I am using the crosstab function by Joe Conway and I am having a problem
that could be my fault but I'm not sure.
My query/result is:
atc=# SELECT * FROM crosstab('SELECT cli_tran_trans_date,
TRIM(dat_staff_code) AS dat_staff_code, SUM(cli_tran_amount) from vetpmardet
WHERE cli_tran_trans_date BETWEEN ''2003-06-01'' AND ''2003-06-05'' AND
TRIM(dat_staff_code) NOT LIKE '''' GROUP BY cli_tran_trans_date,
dat_staff_code ORDER BY 1,2;',5) AS vetpmardet(date date, vet1 numeric, vet2
numeric, vet3 numeric, vet4 numeric, vet5 numeric);
date | vet1 | vet2 | vet3 | vet4 | vet5
2003-06-01 | 561.99 | | | |
2003-06-02 | 418.43 | 548.10 | 790.16 | 54.24 | 467.07
2003-06-03 | 518.62 | 2115.57 | 630.83 | 195.74 | 548.26
2003-06-04 | 870.52 | 346.49 | 393.77 | 470.02 |
2003-06-05 | 74.37 | 3555.10 | 1248.69 | 758.18 |
(5 rows)
My problem is that the rows are populated from right to left irrespective of
the column. So the $561.99 in vet1 actually belongs to vet2. There are never
any blank cells in the middle or start of a row - they always come at the
end. How do I get the amount for that date into the appropriate column?
I am using 7.4.3
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