SQL syntax extentions - to put postgres ahead in the race

SQL syntax extentions - to put postgres ahead in the race

am 05.08.2004 10:28:44 von ram_nathaniel

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I am a developer working with many databases, as a part of my job. I use he=
avy SQL queries and have become somewhat of an expert in SQL, including tri=
cks and workarounds of the limitation of the language.

I feel like a lot of the workarounds could be avoided with adding a few new=
operators to the SQL language that should be rather easy to support but wo=
uld give a vast improvement and probably a leap of performance in many comm=
on queries. I write you about this hoping that you would support these oper=
ators (even though they are not in the ANSI) and thereby position PostGres =
as a leader and not just a follower! I personaly have a great interest in s=
eeing open source software making it big time! So please - forward this to =
one of your more technical developers/executives and hopefully I will get t=
o see it in the next version of PostGres:

1) The operator "of max":
suppose I have a table "grades" of 3 fields: class/student/grade where I st=
ore many grades of many students of many classes. I want to get the name of=
the highest scoring student in each class. Note that there may be many stu=
dents with the same grade, but for starters let's say there is a primary ke=
y of class+grade.

My query would now be:
select student from grades where class+'#'+grade in=20
select class+'#'+max(grade) from grades group by class
) a

This means working the query twice - and relying on louzy conversion of the=
grade from numerical to textual.
We could also use:

select student from grades where student in=20
select student from grades group by class=20
having class+'#'+grade =3D max(class+'#'+grade)
) a

This is even worse!

The optimal would be to introduce a new operator "of max" that would be use=
d as follows:

select student of max(grade) from grades group by class

simillarly one should support "of min" and "of any" (brings a representativ=
e of the group)

2) aggregated concatenation:
Traditionally the SQL language has referred from supporting order dependent=
operators from taking a role in aggregated functions. This means that sinc=
e the query: "select class, grade from grades" does not ensure the order of=
the records returned, the operation sum() is supported (i.e. select class,=
sum(grade) from grades group by class) but other operations that would be =
order dependent are not supported.
I think this approach should be revised. In many cases one would want to ge=
t a list of the student names delimited with a comma. It would be great if =
one could write:
select class, list(student, ',') from grades group by class
and get

class list
----- ----
class1 john, ruth,...

This is of course an order dependent operation so the syntax can either be:
select class, list(student, ',') from grades group by class order by studen=
t, grade
in which case the list would be ordered before the list is created, or if n=
o particular order is requested the concatenation of the names should be in=
an arbitrary order.

Well - that's all for now :-)

Good luck!


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I am a developer working with many databas=
es, as a=20
part of my job. I use heavy SQL queries and have become somewhat of an expe=
rt in=20
SQL, including tricks and workarounds of the limitation of the=20


I feel like a lot of the workarounds could=
avoided with adding a few new operators to the SQL language that should be=
rather easy to support but would give a vast improvement and probably a lea=
p of=20
performance in many common queries. I write you about this hoping that you =
support these operators (even though they are not in the ANSI) and thereby=
position PostGres as a leader and not just a follower! I personaly hav=
e a=20
great interest in seeing open source software making it big time! So please=
forward this to one of your more technical developers/executives and hopefu=
lly I=20
will get to see it in the next version of PostGres:


1) The operator  "of max":
I have a=20
table "grades" of 3 fields: class/student/grade where I store many grades o=
many students of many classes. I want to get the name of the highest scorin=
student in each class. Note that there may be many students with the same g=
but for starters let's say there is a primary key of class+grade.

My query would now be:
select student f=
grades where class+'#'+grade in
class+'#'+max(grade) from grades group by class
) a


This means working the query twice - and r=
elying on=20
louzy conversion of the grade from numerical to textual.
We could also=


select student from grades where student i=

  select student from grades group by class
class+'#'+grade =3D max(class+'#'+grade)
) a


This is even worse!


The optimal would be to introduce a new op=
"of max" that would be used as follows:


select student of max(grade) from grades g=
roup by=20


simillarly one should support "of min" and=
"of any"=20
(brings a representative of the group)


2) aggregated concatenation:
lly the=20
SQL language has referred from supporting order dependent operators from ta=
a role in aggregated functions. This means that since the query: "select cl=
grade from grades" does not ensure the order of the records returned, the=
operation sum() is supported (i.e. select class, sum(grade) from grades gro=
up by=20
class) but other operations that would be order dependent are not=20
I think this approach should be revised. In many cases one wo=
want to get a list of the student names delimited with a comma. It would be=
great if one could write:
select class, list(student, ',') from grades g=
by class
and get


class  list
-----  ----
john, ruth,...


This is of course an order dependent opera=
tion so=20
the syntax can either be:
select class, list(student, ',') from grades g=
by class order by student, grade
in which case the list would be ordered=
before the list is created, or if no particular order is requested the=20
concatenation of the names should be in an arbitrary order.


Well - that's all for now :-)


Good luck!




Re: SQL syntax extentions - to put postgres ahead in the race

am 06.08.2004 07:22:33 von sszabo

On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Ram Nathaniel wrote:

> 1) The operator "of max":
> suppose I have a table "grades" of 3 fields: class/student/grade where I
> store many grades of many students of many classes. I want to get the
> name of the highest scoring student in each class. Note that there may
> be many students with the same grade, but for starters let's say there
> is a primary key of class+grade.
> My query would now be:
> select student from grades where class+'#'+grade in
> (
> select class+'#'+max(grade) from grades group by class
> ) a

As a side note, I'd think that something like:
select student from grades where (class,grade) in
(select class, max(grade) from grades group by class);
should avoid textual operations. I'm assuming the + above are meant to be
concatenation (||).

> The optimal would be to introduce a new operator "of max" that would be used as follows:
> select student of max(grade) from grades group by class

PostgreSQL provides an extension called DISTINCT ON.

Something like
select distinct on (class) student from grades order by class, grade
should get you one arbitrary student with the highest grade in his or her

If you want to order by the grades, I think you need a layer around it.
If you don't care about the class order, you might consider making the
class ordering desc as well to make it easier to use a multi-column index
on (class,grade).

> 2) aggregated concatenation:

Theoretically, you should be able to do this right now in PostgreSQL with
user defined aggregates (although you can't pass a second argument
currently for the separator). I believe that an ordered subquery in FROM
will currently allow you to get an ordered aggregate, or perhaps you'd
have to turn off hash aggregation, but I think you should be able to get
it to keep the ordering.

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Re: SQL syntax extentions - to put postgres ahead in the race

am 06.08.2004 09:07:27 von tgl

Stephan Szabo writes:
> On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Ram Nathaniel wrote:
>> 2) aggregated concatenation:

> Theoretically, you should be able to do this right now in PostgreSQL with
> user defined aggregates (although you can't pass a second argument
> currently for the separator).

There's nothing particularly stopping us from supporting
multiple-argument aggregates, except a lack of round tuits.
(I suppose we'd want to rethink the syntax of CREATE AGGREGATE,
but otherwise it ought to be pretty straightforward.)

> I believe that an ordered subquery in FROM
> will currently allow you to get an ordered aggregate, or perhaps you'd
> have to turn off hash aggregation, but I think you should be able to get
> it to keep the ordering.

I think you would want to ORDER BY twice:

SELECT class, list(student) from
(select class, student from grades order by class, student) ss
order by class;

It looks like (at least in CVS tip) planner.c will take into account the
relative costs of doing a GroupAgg vs doing a HashAgg and re-sorting,
but I'm too tired to try it right now...

regards, tom lane

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Re: SQL syntax extentions - to put postgres ahead in the race

am 06.08.2004 16:30:06 von tgl

I wrote:
> There's nothing particularly stopping us from supporting
> multiple-argument aggregates, except a lack of round tuits.

BTW, you can actually fake this pretty well in 8.0, by making an
aggregate that uses a rowtype input. For example:

regression=# create type twostrings as (s1 text, s2 text);
regression=# create function list_concat(text, twostrings) returns text as $$
regression$# select case when $1 is null then $2.s1
regression$# when $2.s1 is null then $1
regression$# else $1 || $2.s2 || $2.s1
regression$# end$$ language sql;
regression=# create aggregate concat (
regression(# basetype = twostrings,
regression(# stype = text,
regression(# sfunc = list_concat);
regression=# select * from text_tbl;
hi de ho neighbor
more stuff
and more
(4 rows)

regression=# select concat((f1, '|')) from text_tbl;
doh!|hi de ho neighbor|more stuff|and more
(1 row)

This is somewhat inefficient compared to native support for
multi-argument aggregates, but at least we have something we can point
people to until we find time to make that happen.

regards, tom lane

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