Inserting into point[] type.

Inserting into point[] type.

am 12.08.2004 09:58:35 von Theo.Galanakis

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How do you insert into a column of type point[]

Sample table:
CREATE TABLE public.test
Column_a varchar(1000),
Column_b point[]

I have tried without success:

insert into test (Column_a, Column_b) values


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Inserting into point[] type.

How do you insert into a column of type point[]

Sample table:

CREATE TABLE public.test


  Column_a varchar(1000),

  Column_b point[]


I have tried without success:

insert into test (Column_a, Column_b) values ('Aargau','{47.3899993896,8.03400039673}')


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Re: Inserting into point[] type.

am 12.08.2004 10:27:28 von twanger

В Чтв, 12.08.2004, в 09:58, Theo Galanakis п=
> How do you insert into a column of type point[]=20

> I have tried without success:
> insert into test (Column_a, Column_b) values
> ('Aargau','{47.3899993896,8.03400039673}')

I'd guess '{(3.3, 4.4), (1.0, 4.3)}' or ARRAY[(3.3, 4.4), (1.0, 4.3)].
Maybe even something like '{''(3.3, 4.4)'', ''(1.0, 4.3)''}'

Markus Bertheau

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