/contrib and win32
am 18.08.2004 17:30:40 von pgmanTheo Galanakis wrote:
> Im running/playing with PG 8.0 locally and want to install the
> contrib/dblink and contrib/crosstab. Can this be done on Windows, is there a
> GMAKE.exe for Windows?? Someone enlighten me!
Uh, good question. I think you need the msys/mingw environment to add
contrib stuff, and this definately is a problem for many users.
Bruce Momjian | http://candle.pha.pa.us
pgman@candle.pha.pa.us | (610) 359-1001
+ If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road
+ Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
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