Problem with stored procedure

Problem with stored procedure

am 26.08.2004 15:07:09 von oliverp21

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In this example, I use 2 tables :
create table types (
typnum integer primary key,
catcode varchar(2),
typlib varchar(35));

create table uv (
uvnum varchar(5) primary key,
typnum integer,
uvlib varchar(50));

alter table uv
add constraint fk_uv_type foreign key (typnum)
references types (typnum)
on delete restrict on update restrict;

I also use stored procedures :

create function numtype(varchar) returns integer as '
codetype alias for $1;
coderet integer;
select into coderet typnum from types
where typcode = codetype and catcode = ''UV'';
return coderet;
' language 'plpgsql';

create function insert_uv(varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as '
codeuv alias for $1;
codetype alias for $2;
libuv alias for $3;
cletype integer;
select into cletype numtype(codeuv);
insert into uv values (codeuv, cletype, libuv);
return cletype;
' language 'plpgsql';

When I do :

select insert_uv('SGBD','DUVC','TEST BD');
I get the following message :
ERROR: insert or update on table "uv" violates foreign key constraint
DETAIL: Key (typnum)=(43) is not present in table "types".

I don't kown why.

Anyone has an idea ?

With best regards,

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fn:Patrice OLIVER

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


Re: Problem with stored procedure

am 26.08.2004 15:31:36 von dev

Patrice OLIVER wrote:
> create function insert_uv(varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as '
> declare
> codeuv alias for $1;
> codetype alias for $2;
> libuv alias for $3;
> cletype integer;
> begin
> select into cletype numtype(codeuv);
> insert into uv values (codeuv, cletype, libuv);
> return cletype;
> end;
> ' language 'plpgsql';
> When I do :
> select insert_uv('SGBD','DUVC','TEST BD');
> I get the following message :
> ERROR: insert or update on table "uv" violates foreign key constraint
> "fk_uv_caracteri_type"
> DETAIL: Key (typnum)=(43) is not present in table "types".
> I don't kown why.

Before your "insert into" add:
RAISE NOTICE ''cletype = %'', cletype;

This will show what value cletype has. Presumably it's 43 and you don't
have an equivalent row in "types".

Or have I misunderstood the problem?

Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd

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TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: Problem with stored procedure

am 26.08.2004 16:59:10 von a.antoniou

Patrice OLIVER wrote:

> Hello,
> In this example, I use 2 tables :
> create table types (
> typnum integer primary key,
> catcode varchar(2),
> typlib varchar(35));
> create table uv (
> uvnum varchar(5) primary key,
> typnum integer,
> uvlib varchar(50));
> alter table uv
> add constraint fk_uv_type foreign key (typnum)
> references types (typnum)
> on delete restrict on update restrict;
> I also use stored procedures :
> create function numtype(varchar) returns integer as '
> declare
> codetype alias for $1;
> coderet integer;
> begin
> select into coderet typnum from types
> where typcode = codetype and catcode = ''UV'';

why not -> select *typenum* into coderet from types
where typcode = codetype and catcode = ''UV'';

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