Re: [PERFORM] Why those queries do not utilize indexes?

Re: [PERFORM] Why those queries do not utilize indexes?

am 27.08.2004 23:33:48 von igorart7

Thanks a lot but none of those queries was effecient.

1. This query is longest.
explain analyze SELECT * FROM messageinfo WHERE user_id::bigint = 20000 and msgstatus::smallint =

2. This one is the same as my original in performance and bad index usage.
explain analyze SELECT * FROM messageinfo WHERE user_id = 20000::bigint and msgstatus =

--- "Joshua D. Drake" wrote:

> Artimenko Igor wrote:
> > I could force Postgres to use the best index by removing condition "msgstatus = CAST( 0 AS
> > smallint );" from WHERE clause & set enable_seqscan to off;
> > Total runtime in this case dropped from 1883 ms ( sequential reads ) to 1.598 ms ( best index
> ).
> WHERE user_id::bigint = 20000 and msgstatus:smallint = 0;
> Sincerely,
> Joshau D. Drake
> >
> > But unfortunatelly It does not resolve my problem. I can not remove above condition. I need to
> > find a way to use whole condition "WHERE user_id = CAST( 20000 AS BIGINT ) and msgstatus =
> CAST( 0
> > AS smallint );" and still utilyze index.
> >
> > Yes you are right. Using "messagesStatus" index is even worse for my data set then sequential
> > scan.
> >
> > Igor Artimenko
> >
> > --- Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
> >
> >
> >>On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Artimenko Igor wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>1. Sequential search and very high cost if set enable_seqscan to on;
> >>>Seq scan on messageinfo ( cost=0.00..24371.30, rows =36802 )
> >>>
> >>>2. Index scan but even bigger cost if set enable_seqscan to off;
> >>>Index “messagesStatus” on messageinfo ( Cost=0.00..27220.72, rows=36802 )
> >>
> >>So pg thinks that a sequential scan will be a little bit faster (The cost
> >>is a little bit smaller). If you compare the actual runtimes maybe you
> >>will see that pg was right. In this case the cost is almost the same so
> >>the runtime is probably almost the same.
> >>
> >>When you have more data pg will start to use the index since then it will
> >>be faster to use an index compared to a seq. scan.
> >>
> >>--
> >>/Dennis Björklund
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Thanks a lot
Igor Artimenko
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Java, J2EE, Unix, Linux, HP, AIX, Solaris, Progress, Oracle, DB2, Postgres, Data Modeling

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