German "umlaut insensitive" query

German "umlaut insensitive" query

am 01.09.2004 16:01:43 von Robert

I want to query words with German "umlauts" (special characters) with
and without normalization. I want to find "grün" (green) written
"gruen" as well.

Using "LIKE" with locale de_DE.iso88591 or .utf-8 does not help (Locale
support should affect "LIKE", 761).

Any Idea how to solve this? Define a special Operator? Has anyone
already done this before?

I am using PostgreSQL 7.3.2 on Linux.

Robert Strötgen. :)

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Robert Strötgen
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Re: German "umlaut insensitive" query

am 01.09.2004 16:36:11 von mkl

One solution:

select replace( replace( replace( replace( 'Test ä ö ü ß', 'ä','ae'), 'ö','oe' ), 'ü','ue'), 'ß','ss' );

Test ae oe ue ss

If you also have upcase-characters, you have to extend the statement.

Robert Strötgen schrieb:
> I want to query words with German "umlauts" (special characters) with
> and without normalization. I want to find "grün" (green) written
> "gruen" as well.
> Using "LIKE" with locale de_DE.iso88591 or .utf-8 does not help (Locale
> support should affect "LIKE",
> 761).
> Any Idea how to solve this? Define a special Operator? Has anyone
> already done this before?
> I am using PostgreSQL 7.3.2 on Linux.
> TIA,
> Robert Strötgen. :)

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Re: German "umlaut insensitive" query

am 01.09.2004 17:17:09 von Robert

> select replace( replace( replace( replace( 'Test ä ö ü ß', 'ä','ae'),
> 'ö','oe' ), 'ü','ue'), 'ß','ss' );

Thanks a lot. A wrote this into a user defined function with lower()
around the source string, and it works. :-)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.unumlaut(varchar)
RETURNS varchar AS
'select replace( replace( replace( replace( lower($1), \'ä\',\'ae\'),
\'ö\',\'oe\' ), \'ü\',\'ue\'), \'ß\',\'ss\' );'

Best regards,
Robert. :)

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Robert Strötgen
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