Query Plan

Query Plan

am 09.09.2004 07:30:48 von Theo.Galanakis

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Have a question regarding when a Query Plan uses an Index.

I have a basic statement

This query uses the Index Scan:
explain analyse select * from tablea where columna_id < 57

This query uses Seq Scan:
explain analyse select * from tablea where columna_id < 58

There are about 5000 records in this table, and columna_id is the primary
key, which is Indexed... And recently recreated.

My question is why is the Plan not using the index on the second occasions?


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Query Plan

Have a question regarding when a Query Pla=
n uses an Index.

I have a basic statement

This query uses the Index Scan:

explain analyse select * from tablea wher=
e columna_id < 57

This query uses Seq Scan:

explain analyse select * from tablea wher=
e columna_id < 58

There are about 5000 records in this table=
, and columna_id is the primary key, which is Indexed... And recently recre=

My question is why is the Plan not using t=
he index on the second occasions?


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Re: Query Plan

am 09.09.2004 10:28:07 von dev

Theo Galanakis wrote:
> Have a question regarding when a Query Plan uses an Index.
> I have a basic statement
> This query uses the Index Scan:
> explain analyse select * from tablea where columna_id < 57
> This query uses Seq Scan:
> explain analyse select * from tablea where columna_id < 58
> There are about 5000 records in this table, and columna_id is the primary
> key, which is Indexed... And recently recreated.

OK - what does explain analyse say?

Each line will have two parts, the expected costs/number of rows and the
actual time/number of rows.

If PG is expecting say 50 rows in the first query but 150 in the second
then it might decide a sequential scan is quicker.

Post the outputs of explain analyse and we can compare them.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd

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