am 11.09.2004 14:57:23 von grzm> On Sep 3, 2004, at 11:36 PM, James M Doherty wrote:
>> I have a project that is taking input from another system. I have
>> certain columns defined as 'Date' Columns. On input I will get
>> '000000' in this field which causes the insert to fail.
> 000000 is not a valid date, as you are aware :) This is often solved in
> the application layer by preprocessing the data, changing 000000 to
> NULL, for example. You may be able to do some of this preprocessing in
> the database itself, first loading the raw data into a temporary table
> and then transforming it before putting it into the desired table.
I've CC'd the list as well.
On Sep 11, 2004, at 9:44 PM, James M Doherty @ wrote:
> I was hoping I could do something in my insert trigger to change it
> on the
> way in and avoid code in client applications. The reason for this is
> there
> are
> many client application which will be doing these inserts.
In that case I would recommend either using temp tables to process the
data, or build a middleware app that other client apps would connect
to, rather than to the db directly, the goal being to have a single API
against which you can code the client apps.
Good luck!
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com
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