what is maximum size of "text" datatype in postgres?

what is maximum size of "text" datatype in postgres?

am 13.09.2004 10:35:54 von smitamarda


i wanted to know, what is maximum size of "text"
datatype in postgres.
It is given as "unlimited characters" in the postgres
But it doesn't store characters more than 5000. The
connection get lost if i tried to store more than 5000

I had read somewhere on forum that its max limit is 8
bytes, and we can increase it to 32 bytes.

Do any one know how to increse it?
or do anyone know any other way to solve this problem.


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Re: what is maximum size of "text" datatype in postgres?

am 13.09.2004 11:31:30 von Christopher Browne

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw when smitamarda@yahoo.co.uk ("Smit") would write:
> i wanted to know, what is maximum size of "text"
> datatype in postgres.
> It is given as "unlimited characters" in the postgres
> documentation.
> But it doesn't store characters more than 5000. The
> connection get lost if i tried to store more than 5000
> characters.
> I had read somewhere on forum that its max limit is 8
> bytes, and we can increase it to 32 bytes.

8 bytes is certainly not the right answer.

Creating a little table, and throwing some wide strings at it...

tutorial=# create table widetext (main text);
tutorial=# insert into widetext values ('0123456789... repeated a
bunch of times...');
INSERT 2625519 1
.... increasing size each time, for several instances ...

tutorial=# select length(main) from widetext;
(3 rows)

That's way more than 8 bytes; that's way more than 5000 bytes.

> Do any one know how to increse it? or do anyone know any other way
> to solve this problem.

What tool are you using to insert the data?

Is it possible that it has some buffer size limitation that is biting
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