implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

am 15.09.2004 05:03:30 von Iain

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Hi All,

I've come across a situation where I'd like to use some kind of
"out-of-transaction trigger" to do some processing after changes to some
tables, but without extending the duration of the main transaction. Of
course, it's important that the processing be completed so it has to be, as
far as possible, reliable and "safe". The extra processing should be
completed within a reasonable time after the original transaction, but it
needn't happen immediately.

In the past, we have used triggers written in C that call perl scripts. It
seems untidy to me as we introduce 2 more programming languages and I'm not
so comfortable with the idea of calling an OS program from a trigger which
is part of the original transaction anyway. It doesn't seem to be helping
the situation much.

I havn't been able to come up wth a standard way to do this in postgres so
I'm contemplating writing a kind of background process that checks for
changes and processes them periodically, nothing very sophisticated. I'm
wondering if there is a better way. Maybe other people here have dealt with
this kind of situation.

If I were using Oracle, I might use Streams or Advanced Queuing, this would
probably be a good case for using them - though I have no experience myself.
In oracles case the subscribed changes are captured from the redo log. After
that it's fairly standard publisher/subsriber type stuff. I expect that this
should, in theory, be possible with postgres too though AFAIK this isn't on
the todo list.

Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd be interested to hear them,

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Hi All,


I've come across a situation wher=
e I'd=20
like to use some kind of "out-of-transaction trigger" to do some processing=
after changes to some tables, but without extending the duration of the mai=
transaction. Of course, it's important that the processing be completed so =
has to be, as far as possible, reliable and "safe". The extra processing sh=
be completed within a reasonable time after the original transaction, but i=
needn't happen immediately.

face=3D"MS UI Gothic" size=3D2>
In the past, we have used tr=
written in C that call perl scripts. It seems untidy to me as we introduce =
more programming languages and  I'm not so comfortable with the idea o=
calling an OS program from a trigger which is part of the original transact=
anyway. It doesn't seem to be helping the situation much.


I havn't been able to come up wth a standard way to do this in postgre=
s so=20
I'm contemplating writing a kind of background process that checks for chan=
and processes them periodically, nothing very sophisticated. I'm wondering =
there is a better way. Maybe other people here have dealt with this ki=
nd of=20


If I were using Oracle, I might=
use Streams or Advanced Queuing, this would probably be a good case fo=
using them - though I have no experience myself. In oracles case the subscr=
changes are captured from the redo log. After that it's fairly standard=20
publisher/subsriber type stuff. I expect that this should, in theory, =
possible with postgres too though
this isn't on the todo list.


Anyway, if anyone has any thought=
s on=20
this, I'd be interested to hear them,




Re: implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

am 15.09.2004 18:03:11 von mrylander

>I've come across a situation where I'd like to use some kind of
>trigger" to do some processing after changes to some tables, but
without extending
>the duration of the main transaction. Of course, it's important that
the processing be
>completed so it has to be, as far as possible, reliable and "safe". The extra
>processing should be completed within a reasonable time after the original
>transaction, but it needn't happen immediately.

Check out

Then look at the Rules system for generating a NOTIFY: l


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

am 16.09.2004 04:02:25 von Iain

Hi Mike,

Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.

A quick quote from the docs:

....if a NOTIFY is executed inside a transaction, the notify events are not
delivered until and unless the transaction is committed. ...if a listening
session receives a notification signal while it is within a transaction, the
notification event will not be delivered to its connected client until just
after the transaction is completed...
This is pretty good so far. Though, as far as I can tell, there is no way to
have the notify activate a pl/pgsql function directly. I'll still need to
write a client program to create a session and actually do the listening,
that is if I havn't missed anything else...

Thanks again,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Rylander"
To: "Iain"
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [SQL] implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

> >I've come across a situation where I'd like to use some kind of
> "out-of-transaction
> >trigger" to do some processing after changes to some tables, but
> without extending
> >the duration of the main transaction. Of course, it's important that
> the processing be
> >completed so it has to be, as far as possible, reliable and "safe". The
> >processing should be completed within a reasonable time after the
> >transaction, but it needn't happen immediately.
> Check out
> and
> Then look at the Rules system for generating a NOTIFY:
> l
> --miker
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

am 16.09.2004 05:57:39 von gsstark

"Iain" writes:

> Though, as far as I can tell, there is no way to have the notify activate a
> pl/pgsql function directly. I'll still need to write a client program to
> create a session and actually do the listening, that is if I havn't missed
> anything else...

Right, presumably some sort of daemon that sits and waits for events. Much
like you would have with Oracle advanced queuing and such.

The big difference is that NOTIFY doesn't pass along any parameters. You will
need some way for your daemon to find any pending data it needs to process.
You might need some kind of queue table, or you might be able to get by
without one.


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message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

am 16.09.2004 07:15:39 von Iain

Hi Greg,

I would have like to have avoided writing a daemon if possible, but
presumably it should be possible to write one flexible enough to be used in
a variety of situations.

If I didn't use notify, I'd would just be checking for the presence of data
in "transfer areas" or queue tables as you called them on a periodic basis.
This wouldn't change so much using notify, except that instead of writing
the process so as to sleep and periodically check, I can just have it wake
up when the data actually gets there. A minor saving perhaps, but at least I
could use the name of the notification to determine what processing to

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Stark"
To: "Iain"
Cc: "Mike Rylander" ;
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [SQL] implementing an out-of-transaction trigger

> "Iain" writes:
> > Though, as far as I can tell, there is no way to have the notify
activate a
> > pl/pgsql function directly. I'll still need to write a client program to
> > create a session and actually do the listening, that is if I havn't
> > anything else...
> Right, presumably some sort of daemon that sits and waits for events. Much
> like you would have with Oracle advanced queuing and such.
> The big difference is that NOTIFY doesn't pass along any parameters. You
> need some way for your daemon to find any pending data it needs to
> You might need some kind of queue table, or you might be able to get by
> without one.
> --
> greg

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TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match