where clause on a left outer join

where clause on a left outer join

am 22.09.2004 11:08:22 von Cris Carampa

Hello, let's suppose I have the following tables:

create table parent (
parent_id numeric primary key,
parent_data text
) ;

create table stuff (
stuff_id numeric primary key,
parent_id numeric references parent,
stuff_data text
) ;

And the following data:

crisdb=> select * from parent;
parent_id | parent_data
1 | aaa
2 | bbb
3 | ccc
(3 rows)

crisdb=> select * from stuff;
stuff_id | parent_id | staff_data
1 | 1 | xxx
2 | 1 | yyy
3 | 1 | zzz
(3 rows)

I wish to write a query that returns all rows from "parent" and, beside
of them, staff data with stuff_id=1 if available, otherwise null.

The following query:

parent par left outer join stuff stu
on (
par.parent_id = stu.parent_id
stu.stuff_id = 1

Gives the following result:

parent_id | stuff_data
1 | xxx
(1 row)

But this is not what I want.

The following query:

parent par
left outer join
stuff_id = 1
) stu
on (
par.parent_id = stu.parent_id

Gives the following result:

parent_id | stuff_data
1 | xxx
2 |
3 |
(3 rows)

Which is exacly what I want.

I'm wondering whether there is another way to get this result, without
using the online view.

Thank you. Kind regards,

Cris Carampa (spamto:cris119@operamail.com)
I got some John Coltrane on the stereo baby make it feel all right
I got some fine wine in the freezer mama I know what you like
I said a man works hard all day he can do what he wants to at night

Re: where clause on a left outer join

am 27.09.2004 02:21:13 von sszabo

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Cris Carampa wrote:

> Hello, let's suppose I have the following tables:
> create table parent (
> parent_id numeric primary key,
> parent_data text
> ) ;
> create table stuff (
> stuff_id numeric primary key,
> parent_id numeric references parent,
> stuff_data text
> ) ;
> And the following data:
> crisdb=> select * from parent;
> parent_id | parent_data
> -----------+-------------
> 1 | aaa
> 2 | bbb
> 3 | ccc
> (3 rows)
> crisdb=> select * from stuff;
> stuff_id | parent_id | staff_data
> ----------+-----------+------------
> 1 | 1 | xxx
> 2 | 1 | yyy
> 3 | 1 | zzz
> (3 rows)
> I wish to write a query that returns all rows from "parent" and, beside
> of them, staff data with stuff_id=1 if available, otherwise null.
> The following query:
> select
> par.parent_id,
> stu.stuff_data
> from
> parent par left outer join stuff stu
> on (
> par.parent_id = stu.parent_id
> )
> where
> stu.stuff_id = 1
> ;

I think
on (par.parent_id = stu.parent_id and stu.stuff_id=1)
will give the join you want.

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