LIKE operator and string comparison
LIKE operator and string comparison
am 23.09.2004 00:54:46 von wweng
I used the following SQL code to match '\foo\bar'
SELECT text FROM test WHERE text LIKE '\\\\foo\\\\%'
But if I choose to use string comparison, instead of 4 escape characters, I
only need 2.
SELECT text FROM test WHERE text = '\\foo\\bar'
Why is that?
I am using PostgreSQL 7.4, and the SQL code was entered through psql.
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Re: LIKE operator and string comparison
am 23.09.2004 01:09:44 von tgl
Wei Weng writes:
> But if I choose to use string comparison, instead of 4 escape characters, I
> only need 2.
> Why is that?
Backslash is an escape character for LIKE.
regards, tom lane
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Re: LIKE operator and string comparison
am 23.09.2004 01:19:30 von wweng
Tom Lane wrote:
> Wei Weng writes:
>>But if I choose to use string comparison, instead of 4 escape characters, I
>>only need 2.
>>Why is that?
> Backslash is an escape character for LIKE.
> regards, tom lane
What about in regular strings? I do need to use backslash to escape the
other backslash in order to get the '\'. Why isn't that the case in LIKE
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Re: LIKE operator and string comparison
am 23.09.2004 01:20:48 von tgl
Wei Weng writes:
> What about in regular strings? I do need to use backslash to escape the
> other backslash in order to get the '\'. Why isn't that the case in LIKE
> operation?
It is. You write four backslashes in order to describe a string
constant value containing two backslashes. When the LIKE code sees
that, it interprets it as one quoted backslash.
See LIKE ... ESCAPE if you'd like to use a different escape character
in the LIKE pattern.
regards, tom lane
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